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Gnome Encounters

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The Swedish Frederic Ugarph found a wooden statuette in the house of a fisherman in Trondheim, Norway.

It was 15 centimeters high and represented a human figure, bearded, wearing a bonnet.

On the pedestal could be read "Nisse riktig storrelse", or what is the same, "gnome, actual height".

The figurine, which today forms part of the Oliv family collection, in Uppsala (Scandinavia), had been sculpted from the roots of an unknown tree, made of very hard wood.

Tests have shown that it is more than 2,000 years old.



Historic Encounters with Gnomes

Psychic Contacts

Visionary Contacts

2000 year old statue of a gnome

Historic Encounters with Gnomes

I grew up in Flanders, Belgium. There are many tales and legends of gnomes, not only in Flanders but also in Holland and Germany. In the early twentieth century some writers gathered all the old tales, often transmitted only orally, and some of them existed only locally. I liked to read those books because they reflected an environment rich in other kind of beings, some good some bad, that were living in nature, and were often seen by the local people. The religious and scientific dogmas declared it all as just fairy-tales or fantasy. However, nature beings don't care about these self-proclaimed authorities, and continue with their lives.

In Western literature, the term gnome was first used by the alchemist Paracelsus (1493-1541). Paracelsus used Gnomi as a synonym of Pygmæi, and classified them as earth elementals. He described them as two spans high, very reluctant to interact with humans, and able to move through solid earth as easily as humans move through air. (A span is the distance measured by a human hand, from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the little finger.)

Gnomes live underground, usually inside of hills. Although they are elemental beings, they were occasionally seen in our physical world, as they do have the power to lower their vibration to our physical reality. Being of the element Earth, they are very practical. If there was a gnome hill around, people used to ask them to clean the dishes, or to do other household work. A plate of bread or milk would be put on the table, and the gnomes would come at night performing the work requested. This was not just a fairy-tale. Local people testified that in the morning the work was done, and the bread or milk would be gone.

One could not spy on the gnomes, and in the cases that a person would get a glimpse of them through a hole or crack of the door, the gnomes would instantly know and disappear, and they would never return to that home again.

One a rare occasion a human would be invited into a gnome hill. These stories are probably based on real experiences as we find these also with mermaids where a person is invited to her home at the bottom of a lake or river.

"There was once a poor maid. She was diligent and tidy, and she wiped the whole house every day and shook all the dirt on a large garbage heap outside the door. One morning, when she went back to work, she found a letter on that garbage heap. She could not read, she put her broom in the corner and brought the letter to her masters, and it was an invitation from the gnomes; they asked her to have a child baptized for them. The girl did not know what she would do, finally after a lot of persecution and because they told her that they should not refuse such a thing, she agreed. Then there came three gnomes, and they brought her to a hollow mountain, in which the goblins live. Everything was very small there, but so elegant and so rich that it can not be said. The young mother lay in a bed of black ebony, with buds of pearls; the blankets were stitched with gold, the cradle was made of ivory, and there was a golden bath. The girl baptized the child, and then wanted to go home again. But the gnomes asked her urgently to stay for another three days. Now, she did, and she had a happy, festive time, and they did everything to please her. Finally, she wanted to go back, then she put all her bags full of gold, and then brought her out of the mountain. She came home, wanted to get back to work, took the broom out of the corner and began to sweep. Suddenly strange men came out of the house. They asked who she was, and what she did there. They were not three days as she had thought, but she had been with the gnomes in the mountain for seven years; and the previous masters had long since died."

The different passage of time we also find in other stories, especially with tall fairies, probably sylphs, who invite or sometimes abduct people into their realm.

There are also stories of gnomes giving gifts in return for the help by a human. They often give leaves or straws that turn into gold when the person arrives home. Of course, he threw most of them away on the way back.

A gnome could also touch or put some salve onto one of the eyes of a person. After some time, that person would discover that he had become clairvoyant through that eye. At other times they bestow you with good luck, and make you wealthy in your enterprises.

However, they demand utter respect. At a certain time, respect for the gnomes was so low, especially when the Church started demonizing them, most of the gnome communities packed up and left. There are tales of people who saw large groups of gnomes leaving, traveling through the countryside. This happened in many locations, all around the same time. They went north, and were not seen again.

There also tales of solitary gnomes who reside in a particular home, or with a particular family. He then functions as a sort of guardian of the house or family, and he can perform some minor chores.


Psychic Contacts

Some people are lucky enough to psychically contact gnomes, or at least see, feel or communicate with them occasionally with their psychic perception.

Flower Arlene Newhouse (1909–1994) was an American Christian mystic and spiritual teacher. In her book The Kingdom of the Shining Ones, she starts out saying that gnomes don't necessary wear cloths, because after all they are ethereal beings and can change their form according to what a human might expect to see. This idea we also find with other psychics who had contacts with gnomes. In contrast with all those pretty pictures in fairy-tale books, gnomes, as elemental beings, can take whatever form they wish, but will accommodate to what we have already in mind of what we believe they look like.

Another topic she touches is that gnomes like to wake up sleeping consciousness. Matter, rocks and crystals are not dead, but have a 'latent' 'sleeping' consciousness that can be woken up or made active.

A theme we hear constantly with elementals is one of respect. If humans don't respect them or nature, then they will have to bear the consequences. Flower Arlene Newhouse:

"Gnomes are quite unlike those pictures man has drawn of them, the only similarity being found in their size. Instead of clothing, they are more inclined to be attired in images resembling flowers and leaves. Gnomes are the largest of the elemental creatures thus far mentioned. They are very responsive to thoughtful direction and are more advanced than the most intelligent of man's domesticated animals. Among themselves, they have names and possess their ecstasies, fears and disappointments in a way comparable to those of mankind. In children's stories based upon earth's legends and folklore, beings of this general group are occasionally called "Brownies."
It is the service of this last group to dwell in the etheric world in proximity to the rocks above and near, as well as below, the surface of the earth's crust itself. With Gnomes, their ringing cry of activity is: "Awake! Awake, all sleeping forms—be aroused to life!"
To enter the observation and acceptance of any of the orders of the Deva World, it is necessary for one to approach their special fields through genuine interest. When man is capable of loving the soil, growing shrubs, sculptured rocks, living trees, and monumental earth-forms known as mountains, he comes within the attention of these selfless lives who are filled with the spirit of self-giving from their very moment of creation to their maximum achievement of Eonhood. Should any of the Gnomes be interested in a human being he might disclose, to such a human friend, his particular treasures. His treasures might prove to be most simple, although they could point to a mineral deposit of considerable worth to the outer world.
Wherever man poisons etheric areas of nature with his foul breathing and his selfish habits—wherever he ruthlessly mines the garnered store of some Devic group —he incurs serious penalties. Sometime, possibly in a life or two after his initial offense, great rocks of the earth might crush him, or violence of hurricane or earthquake could bring an end to his unregenerate life. Man who deals violently with Nature is often violently killed by Nature. But he who has the wisdom and the thanksgiving of spirit to tread reverently into the strongholds and Devic temples of nature's servers shall find everlasting loyalty and devotion rendered him from constructive superphysical orders."

Geoffrey Hodson (1886-1983) an English theosophist, could also look into the elemental realms and observe various elemental beings. In Kingdom of the Faerie he gives a description of a gnome that came to and even into his house. His description of the gnome confirms once again that these beings have essentially no form, but will take on a human appearance when they get interested in humans.

"For, the last six months, I have been aware that a member of the gnome family, who has succeeded in obtaining a greater measure of self-consciousness than some of his brethren, has been taking an increasing interest in us. In the summer-time he would generally appear as we entered the garden from the house, running out from the orchard across the lawn, and attracting my attention by etheric flashes."

The gnome seemed to be of a lower order as he has difficulty creating a human-like appearance:

"He is exactly one foot eight inches in height. I have been able to measure him because his head reaches the tip of a certain ornamentation on the legs of the piano. His skin is very dark, and his body of a spongy texture, rather like soil, which has been frozen and has thawed. In the garden he used to run about without any clothing, although occasionally he would colour his body a dull green. I notice this evening, however, that he has made a definite attempt at a suit, but, curiously enough, the effect is not produced by the addition of a materialised garment, but by a change in the actual surface of his body."

The gnome looked more like a ragdol, and some features like his legs and feet were not finished. Although the gnome got interested in Hodson and his wife, his ability to comprehend what humans are, was very limited. He also had little or no memory of what happened in the recent past. Every time he came into the house he did not remember Hodson or his wife, but he had a vague feeling of familiarity of the things and the people inside.

"He does not see any object as we do. When on the ground he sees the legs of furniture and of people; he has no understanding of any upper portion being connected with them. I am not able to see how he recognises us, although he certainly shows a preference for us, and in the summer often appeared immediately we stepped out of the house. As I dictate this he is standing just behind me, and in his mind there is no knowledge of my having any existence higher than my hips; in fact, his conception of me just now, looks to me like an animated pair of trousers. That conception satisfies him fully. If, however, he sees me from a distance, he sees a little higher, say to the shoulders and above that a kind of shining mist. He both sees and feels the health aura, and likes to stand within it and to receive an etheric shower-bath."

Later on it appeared that the gnome has evolved. His appearance was much more human-like, his intelligence was brighter, and he had a greater self-assurance.

Hodson tells us that gnomes primarily live in groups, as he witnessed in the countryside, and as such they have a group consciousness. However individual gnome can evolve and develop a progressive self-consciousness when their attention is drawn to the external world.

"I see that a time eventually comes when the sense of self-consciousness becomes relatively permanent and the gnome will leave his tribe in complete forgetfulness and undertake work, or indulge in play, by himself."

William Mistele has studied different hermetic traditions over many years and especially the system of Franz Bardon (1909–1958), who was an occultist who was well experienced in contacting the elemental beings. In Mystele's book Mermaids, Sylphs, Gnomes and Salamanders (2012), he talks about gnomes being astral spirits who have very close ties to the densest forms of matter in nature, like rocks, minerals but also plants. Mistele has contact with certain gnomes. These are high developed in their evolution and have particular names and characteristics.

As elemental beings gnomes have a good understanding of the nature of matter, the molecules, atoms, and the structure and energy that goes with it. The can be considered as alchemists, as they are able to transmute one thing into another. In nature, alchemical processes are common place. In this regard Mistele says:

"Powerful gnome magicians are quite capable of producing the philosopher's stone, a material substance which greatly enhances vitality, health, and life force. These gnomes also are intelligent and observant enough to see clearly that the same process which perfects the energies of nature also occurs within their own consciousness as well as within human beings."

In his book Mistele describes at length three important gnomes. The descriptions of these more evolved gnomes gives us a good insight in what their nature and activity is about:

Musar is a gnome who is curious about the human race. He wants to understand where we are going and what we are able to accomplish. In relation to the earth element he is much more:

"As a specialist in the magic of the earth, Muscar studies the electro-magnetic drifts moving through the ground whether caused by storms, natural formations, or the orbiting moon. He knows how to attune himself to these energies and direct them to practical ends. Muscar feels that the fault lines and mountains talk to him and answer his questions about their origins. He perceives the history of a mountain, its internal stresses, its erosion patterns, and the forces which have shaped it and which will wear it down. Muscar can dip his finger into a subterranean stream and instantly identify the minerals' present, their concentration, and the sources of the stream. He senses forests and the evolution of trees and plants and how they affect the earth... Muscar feels energy in the far distance as though his aura is itself capable of scanning and determining what exists many miles away. What he senses translates into visual images which define for him the structure, quality, and composition of geologic formations."

The gnome Mentifil can show us how to increase our awareness of our bodies, of water and food, and of the life force in breathing. For Mentifil, a still mind in combination with concentration and imagination can reveal the deepest keys to understanding health and vitality. Mentifil has many gnomes working for him. They are interested in salts, the structure of the earth, earth energies, and all sorts of things only gnomes know something about.

"Here are gnomes who are very involved with refining processes of alchemy and raising the vibration of matter. But this is not only busy work. They are upgrading their own nature and increasing their powers of intuition. There are gnomes who work with gemstones. It would appear they actually cut stones, but they too are engaged in a spiritual endeavor. They are interested in investing the stones with magical powers. Diamonds, rubies, amethyst, and so forth not only take and break light into beautiful reflections. They can serve to preserve and amplify consciousness. A gnome can place some of his own spirit into a stone which then can be passed on to benefit others. Some gnomes work with trees and forests, with topsoil, herbs, healing, and fertility. They know about roots, bark, leaves, and seeds and the active chemical ingredients within these. As any druid knows, trees have consciousness and gnomes have a role to play in preserving this. Some gnomes are interested in mineral deposits, rock formations, and mountains. Again, for a gnome matter is not void of spirit. Everything physical has an inner secret and mana present within it."

The gnome Erami has perceptions of life, matter, and energy in a more scientific way.

"Erami's essential quality is that he is aware of the energy within the earth over a wide area. As an undine is aware of waves, currents, and tides within the sea, Erami is aware of the electro-magnetic flows and other energies moving through the earth. Erami perceives earth energies as having a fluid quality. When we look at ice, we have no difficulty thinking of it as frozen water. We realize the same substance falls as rain and flows as rivers into seas. For Erami, physical matter has a light glowing within it. That light can be released. It is freed by gravity waves, by magnetic tides, by thunderstorms, and changes in temperature. The way we can feel a static charge of electricity when we place our hand in front of a computer monitor, Erami can feel the energy or electronic vibrations being emitted by physical matter.


Visionary Contacts

It gets even more interesting when a person not only has contact with gnomes but also paints them. One does have to bear in mind, that gnomes, as with all other elementals, adapt their outward appearance to the expectations of the person. At the same time they will also show (visually) as accurate as possible the information they want to transmit.

The following excerpt is from the writings of Guenn Eona Nimue, a female druid who lived in the USA (she died this January 2018). Her website can be found at Anglamarke. She came from a lineage of gifted druids. She had a strong psychic talent, and was in contact with a multitude of beings, from fairies, dragons to extraterrestrials. Gives us a unique, first-hand perspective on these beings, she also made beautiful paintings of them. In relation to the elements she explains that the elemental realm has been closed off to humans since the fall of Atlantis. During the time of Atlantis, magicians largely abused these elemental beings. The decision was made, by higher beings, to close of the elemental worlds from the humans, until humans would have the necessary respect again. We are now at the start of a new era where the doors are slowly opening again, and a few people are allowed to again have contact with the elemental realm.

The first excerpt is interesting not only because it deals with the nature and dealings of gnomes, but also where the gnomes came from.

"This informal tea party has become tradition since the Elf Lord from the stars of Orion and the Gnome-master, directly descended from one of the oldest elemental dynasties in Phoenix systems, first met in Draconis, The Dragon. Much later, when the newly manifested terra-formed planet Earth was deemed ready for the introduction of higher life forms, Paa-Trolle-Um, Kooshakolho [=names of two gnomes], and all their Faerie clans and tribes, together with many other Monitors of Earth, Sea and Sky were beamed in, carried in spirit form within universal radials created through angel technology for transporting great numbers of spirits, both human and elemental, to newly prepared home-worlds.

[then she describes the interior of the crystal caverns of one of the gnomes, with kitchens, food, forges, etc.]

You might wonder, why would Gnomes need kitchens? Well, its like this. Practically speaking, when Gnomes need to shift from the higher octaves (invisible to most humans) to the lower, denser octaves where they become visible (with a then more corporeal form), they need rich nutritious sustenance to remain active, just like humans. It has often been recorded in the folklore and old faerie tales that the wise farm wife would always leave a bowl of fresh milk or sweet cream in a special spot just inside the barn door at dusk for the Little People, or fresh baked tarts and cakes on her kitchen hearth before retiring for the night. Next morning, the small bowl in the barn would be empty and dry, and not a crumb left on the hearth. It was feared, and rightly so, that if she failed to do so or simply skipped one night, showing a lack of respect, the cow could go dry or the milk might turn sour. If the elementals of a certain region become hostile (even in these times this is occurring in more remote areas); it can affect whole future generations, bringing years of crop failures, stillborn babies and more. Crusty old Gnomes or Elves, living too near humans, very often turn ugly if they are not given their daily rations, but way down below in the sparkling Comyn Wele of the Elemental Kingdoms, there's no need to forage for scraps.

Gnomes should never live alone or go hungry. Without nourishment, they will temporarily lose their ability to shift downward into third dimensional corporeal form, though this will not affect their powers as immortal beings within the higher frequencies of Faerie life.

Since Gnomish females will never be seen on the surface unless they have become exiles, only the occasional male needs rescuing. If some Gnomish scout finds him, he will be taken back to his home cavern. That is, if he has been a good fellow and is worth saving. Outcasts, however, are left where they are found and gradually, they simply fade out, quite often after many years of causing much misery in the surrounding human communities.

Has anyone noticed yet that this is the first mention of Lady Gnomes? At least half of the Gnome population is of the gentler sex and quite a few of these, when younger can be very pretty, tending towards plumpness. They are taught all the Gnomish arts when still little, and while still young, before they marry, they choose their vocation, whether as weaver of spider silk tapestries or perhaps designers of jeweled adornments. Some will become greatly respected herbalists and others will excel as accomplished costume makers, artists, or teachers of the young, but very few will consent to become a cook. There is more than a hint of elitist thinking here. However, they see cooking and cleaning as man's work. The world of Gnomes is decidedly matriarchal and has always been so. It is the ladies who chose Kooshakolho as their Father/Leader because of his great wisdom and gentle nature. His immortal sweetness melts the heart of even the stoniest Old Mistress. He will be with them for as long as he wishes to stay.

The older in time Gnomish males also do not cook or clean. Most of them are masters of the alchemical sciences. That is their work.

Gnome marriage is forever. They always fall in love at first sight, instantly remembering the familiar, dear features of the one they loved so long ago who, because of destiny's blueprint left Earth, only to return home later. Gnomish children are not born with suffering of the mother. It is known to the future parents that they should expect the arrival of a much loved spirit from a former time; and when the little one appears, as yet formless, they assist their new daughter or son in mastering the art of shape shifting. Thus it begins, the family life.

Gnomes are immortal. They never die. All higher octave elementals within the Nature Kingdoms share this gift of immortality since their finer bodies are immune to oxidation and cannot be corrupted by any toxic source. Those of the Faerie Kingdoms whose duties magnetize them to the physical plane surface often meet a much harsher fate, becoming weak and listless, no longer able to protect their plant people from the toxins that fill the Earth, Water and Air. There is one bright note, though. The planetary frequencies are rising so rapidly, having reached the nineteenth to twenty-second dimensional levels, that the effects of chemical pollution have been neutralized in many areas. It is also becoming clear that these higher frequencies act as a very powerful deterrent to the success of all negative ritual, wherever and whenever it occurs. The practice of evil will only be effective in low frequency environments. Nothing seems to work anymore. The light keeps pouring in and it is time for them to move on, giving the horns salute as they slither away and, like over-exposed photographic negatives, fade out, never to return.

Because Earth now passes through such pain and its inhabitants have, for the most part, lost hope that there can be a better, happier life, it is the task of these ancient noble elementals, willingly accepted, to brighten our home and chase away the shadows. With the almost unimaginable powers they hold in the dimensions of Earths energy flows, the Forces of Darkness do not stand a chance. These are not empty platitudes. This is real. Watch carefully and you will see."

Guenn Eona Nimue also goes into detail with descriptions of a few highly evolved gnomes. Below are her paintings of some of these gnomes. Detailed descriptions of these gnome beings can be found on her website, Anglamarke. Also, look at her other entries, very interesting information! To some it might look fairy-tale like, but she talks and paints from first-hand contact with these beings.

Keep in mind that elementals can change their appearance according to what they want to show you.

gnome Paa-Trolle-Um


ruler of Earth's mineral systems

Nature Lord, Ruler and Elemental Guardian of Earths vast mineral belts of anthracite and bituminous coal together with precious gems, circling the globe, deep beneath the surface.

gnome Paa-Trolle-Um


shifting back to a formless mist

gnome Kooshakolho Ming Don

Cavern master Kooshakolho Ming Don,

also called Heavens Eye or heart of the Rose,

lord/monitor and guide to all crystalline rose clans

gnome Hadrian


also called Voice of the Stars, Life Song,

 Master of Transmutation and Crystalline Sciences

gnome Gustav'n Kadius

Gustav'n Kadius

Grande Gnome Wizard, High Monitor and Father Guide to all Gnomish People

gnome Lord Ymanko

Lord Ymanko

 Here seen in one of Neptune's Great Forests kneeling behind an enormous Sapphire