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Humanoid Beings with Horns

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Encounters with Humanoids That Have Horns

The Horned Beings of Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi, Russia

Tall Man With Tapered Horns

Cat-like Being With Horns

Bipedal Creature with Fangs and Horns

Black Canine-faced Humanoid with Horns

A Goatman With Hooves and Horns

Dogman With Red Eyes, Claws and Hooves

Humanoid With Horns, Claws and Batwings

A Dogman with Horns

Horned Humanoid Near Haunted House

A Strange Monster


The Gundestrup cauldron is a richly decorated silver vessel, thought to date between 200 BC and 300 AD. It was found in 1891 in a peat bog near the hamlet of Gundestrup in the Aars parish of Himmerland, Denmark. One of the interior plates of the cauldron shows an antlered male figure seated in a central position. In his right hand, the figure is holding an open torc (a large rigid neck ring in metal), and with his left hand, he grips a horned serpent by the head. Nothing is known about Cernunnos. Only recent sources gave him a status as god. It is more likely that it was a being that our ancestors would encounter from time to time.

Gundestrup figure with horn

Figure with horns from the Gundestup caldron

Sightings of humanoid beings with horns are rare. There are far more sightings of sasquatch or bigfoot, and werewolves or wolf-men. Throughout history, people have seen many kinds of strange humanoid creatures. Many of them display aggressive tendencies, feel dangerous or have trickster kind mentalities. Where do these come from, as they clearly are not living on this physical Earth. There seems to be a kind of intermediate world between the physical and astral or spiritual world where these creatures reside. Once in a while they slip into our physical dimension and show themselves to unsuspecting humans.

These beings usually can take any shape they want, and a horned humanoid is one of them.

It is also possible that they are temporary manifestations created by other intelligent beings for the purpose of driving humans away from certain areas.

Encounters with Humanoids That Have Horns

The following are stories of encounters with strange creatures with horns.


The Horned Beings of Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi, Russia

The following I have condensed and translated from a Russian article in the Komsomolskaya Pravda which is a a daily Russian tabloid newspaper

In the ancient city of Belgorod (in Belgorod Oblast, Russia, and close to the border of Ukraine) is an ancient stone fortress that nobody knows who built it. It is called Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi fortress or Akkerman fortress, and is a historical and architectural monument of the 13th-14th centuries. Two local ethnographers Vladislav Chelpanov and Sarvar Sklyar published a collection of legends from Belgorod-Dnestrovskyi in which they told that the fortress had a labyrinth of underground tunnels in which horned beings are supposed to live.

The existence of underground spaces at the fort was known from the memoires of a Turkish traveler, Evliya Çelebi, who visited the Belgorod fortress in 1657. At that time, the city belonged to the Ottoman Empire, and the Turks rebuilt the fortress: "When they were cleaning the moat (in front of the fortress wall), the entrance to a cave opened. Many warriors entered it and carried out fairly yellowed human skulls, each about the size of a good measure of barley (about three times more than modern humans). Then they took out the bones of the arms and legs five to six cubits long (1.5-1.7 meters). More pieces of ribs and feet were found, two or three arshins (0.7 meters) long. Looking at this, people said: "Everything is in the will of Allah." And again the bones were laid in the cave, and closed of the entrance."

In 1842, the fortress ceased to be a military object. The moat was drained and the cave was exposed again. At the end of the 19th century the city made improvements and constructed a storm drain at the place. It is possible that the entrance of the cave was covered up again. (follow up article)

The existence of giant remains in caves in not so unusual, as such discoveries have been made in other places of the world. It does show that the cave must have been very ancient.

V. Chelpanov and S. Sklyar wrote in their book "Legends of the Ancient City" regarding the horned beings:

"Teenagers were fishing at night on the shore near the fortress and, in the light of the moon, noticed several human figures walking along the top of the fortress wall. They had horns on their heads."

"An insomniac pensioner noticed horned figures in the garden of a neighbor. The next morning it turned out that someone had taken all the apples from all the apple trees."

"The fact that horned creatures got themselves edibles, will not cast any doubt on the story of an attack on the driver of a bread wagon. The driver remembered the strong hands and the pungent smell of swamp and dampness. And he managed to see the horned shadows on the pavement."

"The mechanic of the sewer network said that, sitting in a well, he heard quiet voices in the underground."

"The city knew about the existence of a network of underground passages that converged somewhere in the fortress. According to one version, they were built in the Middle Ages, according to another, the origin of an underground network goes back to the time when there was an ancient Greek colony here."


Tall Man With Tapered Horns

All of a sudden we heard the brush in the hollow below us rattling and you could tell that whatever was making these sounds was rather large. Luckily I had with me a Ruger 10-22 rifle and approx. 150 rounds of ammo clipped and stacked and ready to go. I could barely make something out coming towards us. I did have the rifle equipped with the night vision scope and I could make out an outline of what appeared to be a man. Upon further inspection I found it was not. There were two large walnut trees about 25 ft in front of us and whatever came from the woods was using these trees for cover! But as it stepped out for what I took as a charge I opened fire. Within 2.5 seconds I emptied my 1st 25 round clip into the "creature" and was starting on my next. After all was said and done and round #151 was entering the target I suggested that we start a retreat to the house, about 65 ft behind us. No more ammo in the 22 so I went for my 380 auto that I had as a spare on my leg. The thing that was freaking me out the most was that after all that shooting, 95% of which I KNOW hit it, the creature was weaving back and forth between the trees. No screams no apparent pain no anything.

The creature was 7-8 foot tall approximately 450-500lbs. Covered with thick black fur. It did in fact resemble the "ever so popular Bigfoot image" that each and every one of us are quite familiar with, except for the fact that it was slimmer in shape. Almost skinny. And it did in fact have a neck. Also protruding on either sides of it's head, (i.e. location of the ears) were long tapered "horns" also black in color. On the top of the head also resided a "horn" pointing straight up. All horns were approximately 5-6 inches in length and were the same dark color as the creature.

We finally made it to the house and after a sleepless night we got up the next morning to see if we could find anything. All we saw were a lot of spent shell casings, between the two walnut trees there were only about 7 or 8 bullet holes in both of them meaning I HAD struck my target numerous times, and the ground looked like it had been "danced upon". Upon that, this concludes my TRUE story of how, one night, I did indeed dance with the devil.

Upon later inspection we were shocked to discover that each trap had been sprung and ALL the bait had been extracted. Having seen this we returned home to double check the traps to make sure they were set correctly and that they operated properly. I was looking for my pre-teenage cousin to be my "Ginny Pig". But after careful consideration I found a stick that was almost as good. The traps were then placed at different locations around the previous activities and we received the same, disappointing , results. No further traps were set. But a hike up the eastern most ridge revealed a quite large "system of tunnels" made up of brush and various sizes of tree limbs, vines and leaves. These catacombs were obviously NOT made by man as revealed by their construction. They were approx. 2 1/2 ft. tall by 4 ft wide and was made up into 3 passageways intertwining into a main "chamber" in the center. When we discovered these I was convinced we had found the lair of the beast. We all got that same "Were being watched in the woods feeling" and decided to rather quickly, return home.

Source: GCBRO Weird Stories Location: Johnson City, Tennessee, Washington County - June 18, 1997 - 1:00 am EST


Cat-like Being With Horns

I have seen this creature very close to Jasper, Arkansas. I have lived in the Arkansas Ozarks for over 20 years. I never knew what it was until recently doing research. And I do believe I know where they are. I first had visual sight of one was off HWY 65 on HWY 256, heading towards Welcome Home. When I saw it I couldn't believe my eyes, I had never seen anything like it, what shocked me the most and what was most memorable was the horns coming out of it's forehead, very much cat like, but it was its face with its horns that really shocked me. I drove as if in shock from a car crash not believing what I saw, until I started doing research on the subject. For over 10 years, in a remote region close to Mountain View, Arkansas, you can hear the howl every single night, usually after midnight. I never knew it was until I did the research, it is very elk like, almost like a horn, but definitely a howl. If anyone is brave enough I can show you where exactly to go to hear this, and where I made visual contact.


Bipedal Creature with Fangs and Horns

An ungodly looking creature created havoc among the local god-fearing Amish community. Witnesses described the creature as following: The size of a good heifer, gray in color with a white mane. It had tiger like fangs and curved horns like a Billy goat. It ran upright on long legs, and had long grizzly claws. In one incident, the creature sent a team of horses and two brothers flying when it approached their hay wagon. The following day, a man was cutting weeds on his farm about five miles from the previous incident when he heard a fierce roar and turned to see a monster with three horns and a tail charging in his direction. He raised his scythe to defend himself, only to have the implement ripped from his hands. At that point, the man wisely decided to turn both cheeks to the monster and escaped as fast as he could run. A day later a woman was feeding poultry on a farm midway between the two earlier incidents when she heard a commotion and turned to see the creature in the act of snatching a goose in each of its hands. She bravely ran toward the thing, waving her apron. The woman managed to recover one of her geese when the creature threw it at her, knocking her to the ground in the process. The interloper then escaped with the remaining bird in hand.

Source: Phillip L Rife's book, America's Nightmare Monsters

Black Canine-faced Humanoid with Horns

Dakota in Ventura, California called in to tell of a bizarre creature she observed with her brother:

“I want to tell you about the time I saw a shadow figure and it was really scary. It was probably about ten years ago, my brother and I were walking home from this Mexican restaurant that we used to go to, and we were cutting through an alleyway on our way home, and we saw this figure, like, to our right. It was in a tree and were both like, WTF, that was really weird? So we just kept talking and it sort of jumped out of the tree and it like landed right at the base of the tree. And it straightened up. It was about 6 feet tall. It was pure black.
(Noory asks if it was a monkey).
It looked more like a really tall thin human but it had like a canine face. It was terrifying. And it had these big, like, those mountain goats, it had big horns, like mountain goats and it had these really long fingers. It was kind of hunched over but I could just like feel it look into my soul. I honestly don't know what it was. I have for the longest time thought that it could have been a demon but it gets scarier from there. So my brother and I, we both see it, and we both just like lock our eyes on the ground, we don't want to make eye contact with it. So we start walking up a little bit faster, and we are talking about whatever we could talk about to not even acknowledge it, and so we turn the corner and right at the corner where we were going, there's this building that had a tin roof, and we could hear it land on the top of the roof and as we were turning the corner, we could hear it turning the corner of the roof with us. And as we just sort of looked at each other, and we both just started running all the way home. I don't put a lot of merit into religious things personally but I always thought that could have been a demon."
Source: Coast To Coast AM - April 22, 2016

A Goatman With Hooves and Horns

The witness was on his way home late one night after work. He almost always walked the train tracks because they were a straight shot towards the house. These train tracks ran past a cemetery which was alleged to be old settler cemetery. It’s already dark and has been so for a few hours. There was no moon that night. As he walks near the cemetery, he starts hearing muffled footsteps behind him but doesn’t think much of it. Plenty of other guys walk home this way as well. So he keeps going and the footsteps get louder and louder. About midway past the cemetery he’s gets nervous and the steps are getting closer so he turns to look behind him. According to the witness he saw a “goatman” or “the devil himself”. He describes this 'thing' as a man who basically had goat hooves and horns along the lines of the mythical 'Pan'. And this thing was heading straight for him. Reportedly all the snow around this creature was instantly melting as it walked through. The witness runs screaming like a banshee. He hears the clopping of the beast's footsteps behind him speed up to catch him as he’s running. Finally he gets past the graveyard and sees the thing stop right at the edge of the cemetery. He continues running, stops to look back and the beast just vanishes. One of his older co-workers confided with the witness that there was a tale about a 'goatman' many years ago. It was supposedly a Polish immigrant who disappeared one night but returned as the creature several years later. There had been UFO and strange being reports around the same time the man had vanished.

Location: Near Norway, Iowa - mid-December 2002 - night


Dogman With Red Eyes, Claws and Hooves

We received a call at the office from a woman named Olivia who told us quite an incredible tale of what happened to her and her daughter while horseback riding in August 1976. Here is her story:

My daughter and I decided to take our horses out riding, like we occasionally did in the Lakeland area by Blackwood. It was August 9, 1976. I remember the date because we knew Hurricane Belle was soon to hit the New Jersey coast, so we wanted to get some riding in before that. It was a windy day, but we followed the usual trails, going along dirt paths that were close to a junkyard.
We approached one section of woods when suddenly there was dead silence. We usually heard all sorts of wildlife in the area, but heard nothing now.  Then a crow cawed loudly three times, and the horses started acting up—we couldn’t figure out what was going on.
And then up in front of us, about one hundred feet or so, we saw this “thing”! It was about six feet tall. Its back, which it was scratching against a tree, was facing us. At first to me it looked like a large dog on top of a horse.
I asked my daughter, “What is that?”
It started walking along the path we were riding on, and we slowly followed it up the hill, but the horses were reluctant to stay calm. They started to go wild.
The thing turned around, and I could better see what it looked like. It had whitish hair, with black spots on its hips. It had horns coming out of its head and red, slanted eyes. Its nose had a pig-like snout. It stood on two feet that ended in cloven hooves; its hands were tipped with large claws. And it looked like it was slobbering all over.
It jumped into the path with its arms opened wide, lowering its head like it was going to charge us. At the time I felt as though I was in some kind of trance, like I was in a movie or something. Only when my daughter yelled, “Let’s turn around and get out of here!” is when I realized we might be in danger. We were certainly afraid of whatever it was.
Then it did charge at us, tucking its arms in and running like the Bionic Man. It tried to grab one of the horse’s tails, but we took off. When I looked back I noticed it had stopped in the spot we had taken off from.
Like in the movies, after we got away from this thing, we saw a Washington Township police car by the junkyard and told the policeman driving it that there was a strange creature in the woods that came after us, and we described it to him.
The policeman said, “Well, I hope to hell we don’t catch it!” and started to fill out a report. But amazingly, this thing showed up in the junkyard and we all saw as it hopped over the eight-foot fence, galloped in front of the police car and then ran into the woods! After that, we took the horses right back to the stables.
The policeman wanted my address so he could speak with me later, but I didn’t make it home in time. He had already come and gone. I never found out if he filed the report. Maybe he didn’t want to report it.
Later on, the owner of a local ranch told me one time he found one of his horses dead in a field, with its stomach ripped open.
I am telling you: I believe there is something out there. There were three witnesses that day and my daughter and I can recall vividly every moment of our encounter with this thing even after 40 years. I’ll never forget it. I’ve never told this story to anyone outside of the family, but my daughter convinced me that we should tell it to Weird NJ.


Humanoid With Horns, Claws and Batwings

John in Salt Lake City, Utah called in to tell of a bizarre encounter he heard about: “I got a very unbelievable story to tell you. I don't know if you're familiar with the Skinwalker Ranch over here in Utah. I have a close relative that is pretty much the UFO guy in that area. He's been telling me these stories ever since I was a little kid so I've been out to that ranch several times and I was out there last spring (2013) and nothing happened. We went around the ranch areas and nothing happened. We went home and, that was a Friday night, on a Saturday night something did happen, what I later found out through my UFO relative. There was some youth Indians, kids, they were driving in a tall truck about 8 feet high and they went up to the gate of this UFO Ranch. They said that they saw an orb of light appearing in the window off or above the gate and I guess they turned on their lights or they turned on their engine because they got scared. Then it had even a brighter light and it went over their truck and these kids...well, something hit their truck. These kids got scared so they went down the road to the main road and they got out which is, I'm guessing, about three quarters of a mile. They got out to look at the damage done to this truck and for some reason, the driver decided to be the passenger and then the passenger was the driver. Apparently there are some girls with them in this truck. Well, once they got back in the truck, this is where it gets very unbelievable. A creature grabbed this kid, who was the driver and now the passenger, and pulled him out of the truck. It threw him around like a rag doll, bit him on the butt several times, and clawed him. Long story short, somehow this kid got back in the truck and one of the kids took a picture of this creature. They got scared. They were able to get back in their truck, I mean drove down the road, talked to the youth Indian police because it's a youth territory over there. The youth Indian police say there's nothing we can do about it because they're very well aware of the Skinwalker Ranch. So the next day, which would be Sunday, they contacted my UFO relative and he went down there to investigate. Meanwhile there was a shaman's wife and the shaman was there blessing the kids that were involved in this. My UFO relative, said that he saw the picture on the cell phone of this creature. He also saw the damage done to the truck. There was also scratched into the truck – DIE - and he also saw the damage done to this kid and the bite marks. Now that was very unbelievable for me to hear. The crazy thing about it is, a few months ago, I work at a hospital, and one of my patients was actually the shaman's wife and she was the one that was also there at that time that my relative was there to investigate. She told me exactly what my relative said, but in greater detail. The creature that she described, and also my relative said, had to be a tall creature because he would hold this kid out of this window. That's the 8-foot tall truck and this creature had horns. It had red hair. It had a human-like face but the mouth was distorted and it came out kind of like a wolf. It had claws and it had bat wings. So my question is to you, and I asked my UFO relative, is this the skinwalker? And he goes, "No, this is something totally different." And I asked also the shaman's wife and she agreed that it was something totally different.”

Source: Coast to Coast Radio - July 25, 2014

A Dogman with Horns

I don’t even know how to explain this but I’m not the sort to believe in ghosts, devils, demons and cryptids...but this has changed my mind drastically.

I live in the United Kingdom and live in the countryside. I live on a moderately busy lane and have loads of fields behind my house. 5 minutes up the road there’s a hill, it’s called Cole Peak (changed for privacy) in Gloucestershire. It’s about 6 fields away from my house and 5 minute walk from the road.

Me and my 2 mates go to the peak that overlooks our town and can see the Severn Bridge and a place called Stone House. They smoke weed but I don’t so I can’t blame it on the weed. We sat up the top for a good hour chilling, we decide to go home as it’s around 2am. They walk the road way as it leads to town where they live and I decided to walk to field way as I didn’t wanna walk down the road on my own after my mates turn off, so to get to the fields you have to walk through a little forest for around 1-2 minutes, it was pitch black, moon shining bright, stars in the sky. As I said before I don’t get scared so I wasn’t that bothered, I got around 2/3 through the forest when I hear sticks cracking to my left as if something heavy was walking, I just glance over and presume it was a fox or badger. I get towards the gate and open it as it leads into the fields that lead to my house. I close the gate and start to walk and that’s when I heard something I will never forget, it sounded like minecraft creeper but a lot more deeper sounding and bigger. I turn around and on the path I can see this thing, around 6ft tall skinny as f*ck, head shaped like a dog and had horns.

I thought my eyes were playing tricks so I just stood there watching it hoping it was going to vanish. Well to my surprise after around 5 seconds it started to very slowly walk closer and closer until it got to the gate, it was like it didn’t know what to do except just stand there. I was sweating, had red vision and thought I was going to have a anxiety attack. I slowly walked across the field trying to figure out what the f*ck it was. I looked back about half way across the field and it was gone. Sigh of relief, can finally calm down and just take a nice walk home. Yeah that’s what I was hoping for. I was in the last field from my house, house in view. I knew all I had to do was jump over my fence and I was in my garden. I got to my fence and hopped over, I felt safe and secure. I was walking across my garden to get to the back door and behind me my drive light came on. Now this light only comes on if it detects motion or it’s really windy and a branch sways in front of it, it wasn’t windy nor did I walk past it. All of a sudden I had this fear of getting snatched so I quickly run to my back door, open it and run to my attic converted room. My sky light window looks over my drive where the light came on and I stood on my bed and looked out the window. That’s when I seen this werewolf looking thing with horns, stood there sniffing around the cars. It wasn’t a dog, it wasn’t small enough to be a badger or a fox and wasn’t a cow or anything like that. I got into bed and just watched movies till the sun came up and slept then.

Ever since then I never look out my window at night and never walk through those fields.

I honestly don’t know what this thing was but it scared the sh*t out of me I won’t go out in my garden past 11pm. CBD



Horned Humanoid Near Haunted House

This happened back between 2009-2011. The people in the account are myself, my ex-girlfriend who I will call Penny, and a friend who I will call Kyle. These aren't their real names, I don't feel comfortable sharing them online.

My mother asked us to pick up her cat from the vet around 4 or 5pm one night. As it was winter in Indiana, it was getting dark at around this time, and it was already a bit of a drive to and back from the vet, because my mother lived out in the country and the vet was in town. At any rate, we went and got the cat without issue, and after we were to drop it off, myself, Penny, and Kyle were going to go see a movie.

We get back to my mother's house, the sun has already set for the most part, and it's quite cold. Kyle decided to help me carry the cat inside, while Penny kept the car running to keep the heater going. Kyle liked talking to my mother, and wanted to see her before we headed back out to see the movie. Well, we're walking up to the house, and both Kyle and I stopped because we both got this weird feeling at the same time (we figured this out later when we were talking about it).

The house is in front of us, and my mother's yard is behind us (it was a big farmhouse, so had a sprawling front yard). We both stood still, we felt frozen to the spot by this weird feeling, and I looked first and saw something standing behind us, in the yard, and then Kyle looked too.

The thing had to have been well over 6'3" because that's how tall Kyle is and it was bigger than him. It had a hulking shape, with more mass on top than the bottom like a hunchback, which kind of just tapered off into shadows, so I don't know if it had legs or what they might have looked like. The whole thing was pitch black, even in the dark. It had no eyes, no discernable features whatsoever as far as facial features go, but I could tell it was huge and very angry. There was just a feeling I was getting off of it that it was mad that we were there, and I could tell it was staring right at us.

The only discernible features about it were: It had horns, massive horns, like antlers, sticking up off its head, and the hunch in its back seemed to be lumpy and had irregular shapes sticking out of it, but because it was so dark I couldn't figure out what it was.

Neither of us heard a sound from it, it just stood there and menaced us for what felt like minutes, but it can't have been that long. Kyle unfroze me from the spot, and the two of us darted into my mother's house and delivered her cat. We waited a bit, but after looking outside, didn't see anything out there anymore, and after talking to my mother for a bit, we ran back outside and Penny put on the gas, and we got out of there.

We never saw it again after that, but to add a little background on my mother's house:

It has always been haunted. The house that is standing there now is a newer build. The older farmhouse that had been there previously, had burned down and killed a young boy, a mother, and her older daughter. My mother has had issues with it for a long time. She's had the house blessed on several occasions, but nothing ever sticks. Friends who stay in the house have reported weird stuff happening to them as well, and when I lived there I also experienced some odd things, but this was the only time this happened. The house is situated in Indiana, near the Sugarloaf Mound, which was used by the Miami Natives in Indiana's prehistory.



A Strange Monster

A gentleman recently from the Shelton, Laurel district of North Carolina, some forty miles from this place, informs us that the people in that "densely thicketed" county are greatly excited in regard to the appearance, upon several different places, of a huge mountain monster, the species of which is unknown. Mr. George Anderson, one of the gentlemen residing in the Laurel country, being one of the persons who saw the monster, also furnishes us with the following description of it.

I was out in the bush hunting up some lost hogs, when all of a sudden there came into my path a beast, the appearance of which, I must confess, caused me to quake for the first time in many years. Aside from its strange and unusual appearance, the unearthly yell it uttered on perceiving me, which reverberated and reverberated through the forest, was enough to shake the senses of the most daring adventurer.

The animal was some hundred yards distant from me and appeared to be a huge black bear with mane and head like a lion, but had horns like an elk upon it. Its tail was long and bushy, with dark and light rings around it to its extremity. Its eyes gleamed like a panther's and its size was that of an ordinary ox but somewhat longer.

Just previous to making its appearance I had shot off my gun at a squirrel, and felt little prepared to meet such a ferocious beast without any weapon of defense. I immediately set about reloading my rifle, but had scarcely begun when it darted toward me. I retreated in as good order as possible, and must say I did some good running- not looking back until I found the animal had disappeared in the Laurel thicket.

This is no story, Mr. Editor, gotten up to scare naughty children. I am not the only one who has seen the monster- several have seen it since I did; and, as sheep and calves are lately missing, it is presumed to be a carnivorous brute. Many have fortified their house to prevent a night attack from the strange monster, the like of which was never seen in these mountains before. Some think it has escaped from some rambling menagerie, while others superstitiously think it is sent to warn people of some great approaching danger.

The Fairfield (S.C.) Herald on March 12, 1873