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Mysterious Rains of Fish, Frogs, other Small Animals and Inorganic Substances 

Mysterious Rains of Fish, Frogs, other Small Animals and Inorganic Substances

by Dirk Gillabel

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The following is my own analysis of a large collection of strange and bizarre rains and falls of animals and inanimate matter. I am not interested in proving anything. You have to judge for yourself if the following provides a valid explanation of this phenomenon. The extensive collection of news report you will find in this article (see chapter 6) is unique and is not available anywhere else.

Content of this page:

1. It is not what you are told

2. The unscientific explanation of scientists

 3. The typical characteristics

4. Intelligence Behind the Phenomenon

5. Who is Behind It All?

6. Original news and magazine reports of anomalous rains


A little introduction: I have gathered about a hundred pages filled with reports of anomalous rains of animals and inorganic substances. The amount of cases of such a strange phenomenon is immense. Most of these cases are coming from the English speaking countries. There must be far more events of anomalous rains happening in all the other countries in the world.

1. It is not what you are told

What they teach us in schools and universities is only a small part of reality. It is a limited knowledge that creates a nice, safe and predictable world. However Reality is different. Especially on planet Earth. Lots of things are happening, and have been for a long while, that are outside of the belief system of mainstream science, the science that is allowed for the general public. It is a system that keeps itself in check. A scientist has to keep himself strictly to the rules of his profession. If he dares to talk of a reality outside the self-established borders of science, his reputation is tarnished, and his career is over. It is that simple. It has happened to scientists who did have an interest in what is considered weird, strange, non-existent. The media is not much better. They have always ridiculed any strange phenomenon, or allowed only the word of the all-knowing scientists who offer their point of view to make any strange phenomenon fit their own scientific standards. They lie between their teeth. They have to, because they cannot admit that there are phenomena that defy any of their explanations or knowledge of the world. Ordinary people know what they have seen, what they have experienced, though they sometimes don't know how to interpret it by lack of knowledge. Scientists don't even try to investigate strange phenomena, they even don't listen to what the witnesses have to say. Scientists have standard explanations that they repeat over and over again. This is especially the case with all the stuff that is falling out of the air, that is impossible in a natural world, but it is a Reality.

I grew up in Belgium, and I worked a number of years in the Royal Meteorological Institute. I am familiar with climatological phenomena, but also with how meteorologists or climatologists deal with phenomena that can't be explained by conventional science. They will come up with a complete unscientific explanation claiming it to be true and normal, without even examining the data. They even will believe their own fake explanations.

One time, in an area at the Belgian-German border, everything, houses, streets and cars were covered with a fine yellow dust. As usual the press turned to the meteorologists for an explanation. Official statement: sand from the Sahara that was lifted up from the desert, drifted hundreds of miles high up in the atmosphere, and then came down in the Belgian countryside, in a small area. A lot of people accepted this absurd statement, because they don't know better. Sand is quite heavy and does not float upwards, nor travel with the wind at any altitude for any distance. And if the meteorologists had taken the time to listen to the witnesses, or had gone at the location, they would have found that it was not sand but fine yellow dust. It had come down in large volumes and was limited to a small area.

People always know what they have seen, and they have been witness to peculiar details of the strange fall and rain phenomena. Although the explanation for these unnatural phenomena might remain elusive, a true scientist should first study it in depth before reaching a conclusion. However they have decided to stay into their limited world.

Thus it is up to us, ordinary people to do the research. When the reports are starting to pile up, one can come to some preliminary conclusions based on certain characteristics that show up again and again.

Rain of frogs recorded in 1355 (1557) From Prodigiorum ac ostentorum chronicon by Conrad Lycosthenes. (Basel, 1557).

Rain of frogs in Scandinavia recorded in 1355.

From Prodigiorum ac ostentorum chronicon by Conrad Lycosthenes. (Basel, 1557).

2. The unscientific explanation of scientists

It is a phenomenon that has bewildered people all around the planet for many, many centuries: living beings and inert materials fall out of the sky as an unnatural phenomenon. A lot of things:

  • fish

  • frogs

  • worms

  • seeds and grains

  • apples

  • dry flakes of apparent organic matter

  • gelatinous masses

  • colored dust

  • colored rain

  • colored ice

  • colored snow flakes

  • ice blocks

  • unusual shaped hail stones

  • all kinds of stones

When we are talking about rains in this article, this applies to all the different animals and inorganic substances that are 'raining' down, accompanied or not by water precipitation (or what we normally understand by rain).

Unable to find a rational explanation for this strange phenomenon, people just leave it a mystery, or they explain it away by what seems to be the most plausible solution, the water spout or tornado. However, it certainly is not a meteorological phenomenon.

It is important to understand that these anomalous rains have been going on for millenia. The oldest written account is that from Athenaeus, a Greek rhetorician and grammarian. He was a native of Naucratis, a Greek city in Egypt, and he wrote the Deipnosophists in the early part of the 3rd century A.D. (I have put text in bold that points to characteristics typical for the anomalous rains):

"I know also that it has very often rained fishes. At all events, Phoenias, in the second book of his Eresian Magistrates, says that in the Chersonesus it once rained fish uninterruptedly for three days; and Phylarchus, in his fourth book, says that people had often seen it raining fish, and often also raining wheat, and that the same thing has happened with respect to frogs. At all events, Heracleides Lembus, in the twenty-first book of his History, says: "In Paeonia and Dardania it has, they say, before now rained frogs; and so great has been the number of these frogs that the houses and the roads have been full of them; and at first, for some days, the inhabitants, endeavouring to kill them, and shutting up their houses, endured the pest; but when they did no good, but found that all their vessels were filled with them, and the frogs were found to be boiled up and roasted with everything they ate, and when besides all this, they could not make use of any water, nor put their feet on the ground for the heaps of frogs that were everywhere, and were annoyed also by the smell of those that died, they fled the country." ( )

Where does such a tremendous amount of frogs suddenly come from, before falling from the sky? Fish and frogs are the most common anomalous rains, and they can come down in huge amounts. This short report already has some interesting characteristics. They occur 'very often', and thus these rains were not rare or isolated events. In one place it was raining fish for three days solid. This shows that it was not a natural event. Three days is a very long period for these anomalous rains. He also remarked that the amount of frogs was immense. Fish and frogs rains can bring down thousands, if not ten thousands of these animals, sometimes in a small area, so that the ground is literally covered with them. Where do all these animals come from? We will see that the unusual characteristics that accompany these rains and falls clearly show that the 'scientific' explanation of the tornado or water spout sucking up these animals is a complete myth.

First I have to debunk the scientists, something I don't like to do, but they have been getting away with it for too long. That is, the 'unscientific' explanation by scientists of the water spout, tornado, or whirl wind as the cause of the anomalous rains. It is not new, it was already postulated many centuries ago, when people started to turn to 'learned men', or scientists, for an explanation. There is one thing that makes scientists absolutely horrified: they will never admit that they can't explain something. A scientist who admits he has no clue about a natural phenomenon, will lose his reputation. After all, he is supposed to known everything.

So, why is it not possible for a water spout, tornado, or whirl wind to cause the phenomenon of the anomalous rains? The winds cause a rotation of the air currents, and a funnel is formed. When the rotating air currents move upward, they move around in a circular, spiraling way, moving, or sweeping up loose debris on the ground. The debris will be swept up and move around the central funnel in a spiraling way, but it will not go that far up, because the centrifugal force will throw the debris immediately outwards. That is why all the debris is all around the path of tornado. The funnel itself can contain dust and some very light debris moving upwards. Anything that is picked up and whirled around will not get that high up before it is throw outward again. The clouds at the top of the funnel create a downdraft, which will pull any light debris that would have made it that high up by the spiraling winds, down towards the ground, around the tornado itself. The fall of fish and frogs, for example, usually are confined to a very small area. A tornado or water spout would throw anything around in an area around itself.

A strong tornado can develop high wind speeds that can destroy a lot of things on the ground, and even move heavy things around, but only in its immediate path of action.

Most tornado's last less than ten minutes. If anything got sucked up by the spiraling vortex, it goes down to earth again within this period. The debris is strewn around, and not sucked up to high altitudes, where it then is supposed to travel happily around for many, many miles, and for a long period, and then falling down somewhere else. This can only happen for very light items, such as paper, but not fish. If a tornado or water spout were able to lift fish or frogs out of water, they would immediately fall down again. These animals cannot be lifted to cloud level, hover around for a while, or be transported (by what?) at that high altitude for any distance, against the force of gravity, and then come down all in one spot, undamaged and alive. The raining of fish that are already dead on hitting the ground is actually rare. The sometimes huge amount of fish or frogs that come down out of the sky cannot have come from a local water pool or lake, simply because there are not thousands of fish or frogs in there to begin with.

This is the physics of tornado's, water spouts and whirl winds. Meteorologists know this very well, and they lie between their teeth when they explain that "it it normal" that a tornado or water spout "picks up fish out of a pond" (and fish only), lift them high up into the atmosphere, where the fish are then transported over long distances (staying together), and ultimately dropped in another location, many, many miles from where the fictitious tornado took place. They lie because they have to give an explanation to save their reputation, and they know that most people will believe them. They never go to the trouble to go investigate the matter, or even read the reports of people who witnessed the phenomenon. I have read media reports which had two lines about the rain of fishes, and a whole page about the tornado theory.

Based on what really happens with the anomalous rains:

  • In 99.9 % of the time no tornado or water spout was reported in the vicinity, or the weather did not allow for the formation of one.

  • Water spouts or tornado's do not lift fish or frogs out of the water.

  • Water spouts or tornado's do not lift fish or frogs out of the water by the thousands, even tens of thousands. In some cases the immense number of animals that came down just are not present in one body of water.

  • Water spouts or tornado's do not lift only one species out of the water, and leave the other species, and anything else present in the water behind.

  • Water spouts or tornado's do not lift them high up into the air.

  • Water spouts or tornado's do not transport them over many miles, even hundreds of miles as is sometimes claimed by scientists. In the anomalous rains, we only have small fish. Small fish can survive out of the water for only ten minutes, at most. When fish fall alive and well, it must have travelled at many hundreds of miles an hour if that tornado was hundreds of miles away. Don't scientists ever do the math?

  • Water spouts or tornado's do not keep the fish and frogs alive during their supposed transport high up in the air. (in most cases the animals are alive and well when they came down, and not bruised.)

  • Water spouts or tornado's do not drop a multitude of these animals neatly in one spot. (in most cases the fall is limited to a very small area)

  • Water spouts or tornado's do not create one single cloud in a clear sky out of which these animals fall (in several of these cases).

  • A tornado cannot scoop up thousands of earth worms (only) and deposit them elsewhere in a very small area, and even on top of the snow. Not to mention that it didn't scoop up any dirt.

When you look at the details of the eyewitnesses' accounts, it clearly shows that these anomalous rains are not a natural weather phenomenon.

"Amongst these fish, many were found rotten, without heads, and others fresh and perfect; and amongst the number which I had got, five were fresh and the rest stinking and headless...Some of the fish were fresh, but others were rotten and without heads." (The Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal; December 1833, page 650 to 652)

3. The typical characteristics

When an anomalous rain happens, it doesn't tell you much by itself. One mysterious event doesn't give you a clear view of what the cause might have been. However, when many of these events are compiled and compared, a pattern starts to emerge, and interesting characteristics show up. Strange, unusual characteristics that point us into a direction we might not have considered. An origin that lies outside the well-established doctrines of the scientific world, and the superficial news media. These two establishments will never accept this explanation in spite of the evidence.

Here is a list of the typical characteristics of the numerous anomalous rains:

  • The phenomenon of the anomalous rains is worldwide, and has been reported by all cultures and in all ages.

  • No tornado, water spout, or whirl wind, nearby at the time or before the phenomenon. Although scientists will claim that it was possible that there was one, sometimes even going as far as saying that it was related to a tornado or storm hundreds of miles away.

  • Most of the time people mention that the rain or fall of the items happened during an unusual violent thunderstorm, or very heavy rain. This is mentioned in almost every account. The thunderstorm is described as unusual, violent, with dark clouds, sometimes suddenly appearing. Something was clearly very different from a normal thunderstorm. Nevertheless, sometimes these things fall down during a normal rain, or in clear weather, sometimes the unusual rain or fall happened from a blue sky.

  • When, for example, fish fall down, it is of only one kind of species. A water spout cannot selectively pick out one species of fish out of a pond, at the same time neglecting to pick up any other life forms, or leaves, or other debris. Rarely more than one species fall together.

  • Most of the time, the fish and frogs (which are more easy to identify) are common to the local area, but there are plenty of cases in which the species is totally unknown in that area. Sometimes the species of animal is not known to the country, and being native to a distant place many hundreds and even thousands of miles away.

  • Most of the time, it is small fish, small frogs, although sometimes large size fish have fallen too.

  • An anomalous rain can be over a very wide area, especially with the colored dust, probably because the wind carries the dust around before it reaches the ground. With live animals it is usually over a very small area. It is not uncommon that this area is as small as one's back yard. There are also reports that the fish or frogs came down in one straight line.

  • Some falls repeat themselves over the exact same area, even if this area is extremely small. A second fall can happen, for example, ten minutes later, or two hours. Sometimes people remember the same area had the same kind of fall several years or decades before. An example:

    • "Quotation from a letter from Prof. Campini to Prof. Matteucci:
      That, upon Dec. 28, 1860, at about 7 a. m., in the northwestern
      part of Siena, a reddish rain fell copiously for two hours.
      A second red shower fell at nine o'clock.
      Three days later, the red rain fell again.
      The next day another red rain fell.
      Still more extraordinarily:
      Each fall occurred in "exactly the same quarter of town.""

  • Sometimes people report other unusual phenomena that accompanied the anomalous rain. Loud sounds, explosions, a flash of light, point to characteristics of something else than just the thunderstorms or rain.

  • There are a small number of cases where a small reddish or dark cloud appeared in the otherwise clear sky, out of which the fall of fishes was seen to occur.

  • The fish and frogs are usually alive. People have picked them up, and put them in buckets and in ponds, and they survived. People have eaten them too. After all, it is free food. In rare cases, it does happen that they are all dead when they hit the ground.

  • The fish and frogs cannot have fallen from very high up, because then they would splatter into pieces when hitting the ground.

  • In a few rare cases, there were up to four or five species of fish in one fall. However, mostly it rains only one species of fish. Frogs, worms, snails, even mussels, are always of one species. This is the biggest obstacle for the tornado or water spout theory. If it is even possible for a tornado or water spout to lift out animals from a body of water, it cannot be selective to lift out one species and nothing else.

  • Sometimes the amount of live animals is so great that everything is literally covered by them: roof tops, gutters, streets... In one case,  a fall of little frogs happened covering the streets three inches thick, that is a massive amount of animals. When you have thousands and thousands of one kind of fish or amphibian, you can easily rule out any water spout. In some cases people estimated the amount of frogs in the millions.

Not a typical characteristic, but rather a rare occurrence, is the fall of two different things together. It is nevertheless significant, because it makes the unnatural character of the anomalous rain more prominent. Here is an example: "Some of the hail-stones, says the Fredericksburg News, during the hail storm which passed over that section on the 1st instant, weighed six pounds. About 100 frogs were also rained down on the devoted city of Fredericksburg." Source: The Western Democrat (Charlotte, North Carolina), 21 July 1857, front page

We will go into some of the details when quoting reports, because it is the details that shed more light upon the unusual characteristics of these phenomena.

People have collected samples of these rains, be it rain with colored dust in it, or samples of fish, and sent them to scientists for identification. Identification of fish and frogs is easy. But with the dust or colorants inside rain, or gelatinous masses, or dry sheets of apparent organic masses, it seems to be a lot more difficult. Charles Fort (1874-1932) mentioned many times, that chemists tried to identify the materials, and got conflicting results. They were not able to come to any conclusions, or just plain lied, because they had to come up with what was acceptable to the then prevailing science.


4. Intelligence Behind the Phenomenon

Apart from the fictitious tornado, I haven't encountered any other explanation for how this phenomenon works, why it works, or what is behind it. However an analysis of the characteristics can give an idea. For the rest we can only speculate.

There is one phenomenon that also knows unnatural showers: poltergeist. Let me first clarify that the latest research in poltergeist has revealed that all the strange phenomena that happen with these cases, are not the result of some disgruntled spirit. They are actually centered around one person with repressed emotional issues (to put it simply). Why the phenomena happen, and why they only last a short time, is not quite clear, but there seems to be involved certain transient electro-magnetic energies welling up from the earth, sometimes in combination with a heightened earth's magnetic field. Somehow the person's emotional energy, in combination with these E-M fields is transformed in kinetic and other kinds of energies causing the multitude of phenomena. Among these phenomena is the sudden rain of stones (even gravel, and mus) pelting the house, or materializing inside the house out of thin air. The appearance of water inside the house is also a common feature, from drips, water puddles, or walls getting extremely damp.

With poltergeist the falling stones were in one case proven to be from the immediate environment of the house. With the fall of fishes, we also see that the fish, in most cases, is also from the same region. The appearance of water in the house can be attributed to a sudden drop in temperature, as this is also one of the things that happen with poltergeist. When the temperature drops, water condensates.

The difference between poltergeist and anomalous rains is that with poltergeist we only have the manipulation or appearance of inorganic substances, while with anomalous rains we also have living beings. So far, there has been no ties between the anomalous rains and a person with emotional issues. It does not seem to be centered around a person.


With poltergeist there is clearly an intelligence behind it. The phenomena are centered around one person, and often directed towards the other people with whom the central person has emotional issues with. With the appearance of stone showers (or gravel or mud), it is clear that these substances have first been dematerialized from a place nearby, and then materialized just outside or inside the house. In other worlds, they have been teleported.

With anomalous rains of inorganic substances and animals, they seem to have been teleported. Nobody has ever seen them rising up from one place, flying through the air and landing at another place. They literally fall out of the sky, and from a low altitude, as when fish fall, they are alive and unharmed (except in a few rare cases, when they were dead). Materialized out of the thin air, but they had to come from somewhere.

Teleportation is still considered science fiction, although teleportation of the quantum state of photons has been achieved from a laboratory to a satellite. However, in Hindu philosophy or religion, teleportation is a Siddhi, a natural ability present in all people, but dormant. It can be awakened by spiritual progress, or by magical means. Certain shamans are also able to perform teleportation of objects.

Teleportation implies that there is an intelligence behind it. The remaining question is who or what is this intelligence? And what is the purpose behind those showers?


Dematerialization and materialization, or teleportation, is the manipulation of energy, and energy leaves a signature. As anomalous rains happen unexpectedly, it is not possible to bring out measuring equipment. However we can look at certain features.

There is a physical phenomenon that precedes most of the anomalous rains. Almost all reports mention that the anomalous rain happened during an unusually violent thunderstorm, or heavy rains with very dark clouds. Sometimes loud explosive sounds are heard or there are strange light flashes, different from normal lightning. Thunderstorms by themselves are electric phenomena. They might facilitate the manifestation of the animals and inorganic substances. But if an intelligence is behind it, it might mask the manifestation by making it happen during a thunderstorm, not wanting to reveal its presence. A sudden manifestation in the air will displace a certain air mass instantly, resulting in the creation of explosive sounds, and bright light flashes. We see that sometimes with the appearance of UFOs.

The heavy rains can be explained by a sudden temperature drop in the area, causing a lot more condensation of water in the atmosphere. In the fish-rain section (see below) you can find a report where there was a sudden drop of 17ºF in just a few minutes (at ground level) at which a violent thunderstorm broke out. This drop in temperature is not intentional, but is the result of one of the characteristics of the technology used. This sudden and large cooling of the surrounding air will increase the condensation of humidity in the atmosphere and intensify the already present rains. It will also increase the electrical potential between Earth's surface and the clouds, and thus initiate or intensify lightning discharges.

Temperature drops are well known with paranormal events. We find it in poltergeist cases, in haunted houses. It is usually attributed to the presence of spirits, but more likely, it is sudden appearance of a transient energy field emitted from the earth.

If an intelligence is behind the anomalous rains of animals and inorganic substances, it most likely is using some type of technology, or at least is manipulating different energies, to make teleportation happen, of which the temperature drop is one of the effects.

There are a couple of cases in which the small animals were found inside very large hailstones. This could have happened when the released animals found themselves (when teleported at their destination) in a several temperature drop in a very high humid atmosphere that suddenly cooled down to below freezing temperatures, encasing the animals with ice.

In this case they must have been released from very high up where the temperature as cold enough to condense the water vapor into ice around them. They are also more scattered in larger areas. In one case the hailstones contained pebbles. What were these pebbles doing high up in the atmosphere, if not released from an ET water tank?


A clear indication of an intelligence is the fact that in most cases the rain of animals or inorganic substances is limited to only one kind. There is no natural phenomenon that can take out of the water only one kind of fish, disregarding the other species, but also not taking out any water plants, algae, leaves, sticks, or other aquatic beings. There are a few cases in which more than one type of fish rained down, but again, nothing else that might have been in the water from where they were taken. The same with for example seeds and nuts.

An intelligence must be behind this selectivity, to limit the limit the fall to only one, or a few, species. Somehow it must have the ability to dematerialize only the selected species from its environment.


Another fact to consider in regard to an intelligence behind the phenomenon is that some areas, even very small as one's own backyard, have known more than one rain or fall. Sometimes there are a couple of minutes or hours in between, sometimes a couple of years of decades. That is indicative to a habit.

Furthermore, when the fallen animals are found in a narrow strip of several yards wide and, for example, 80 yards long, it looks more that they were dropped from a very low height, and while the craft was slowly moving along. A tornado, water spout or another natural phenomenon would spread out its debris all around itself. The rain of animals in a narrow strip or very small area is actually more common than you would think.

It is inconceivable that tornadoes would dump their load of fish, frogs, etc. in the same spot after a certain amount of time. The formation of tornadoes is a variable weather event, and does not have the intelligence to dump their load where a previous tornado has done so.

This particular feature of the anomalous rains clearly suggests an intelligence behind it. It could be a habit, or a fixed location that is used to dump its load at a certain time interval.

Food Substances

When you look at the list of what falls down, you will notice that they are all food substances: fish, frogs, lizards, snakes, worms, mussels, periwinkles, shrimp, meat, fruit and seeds. Why does it not rain dogs, cats, cows or shoes? They are always small animals that produce well. Small animals are also easier to manage. Fruit and seeds are also easy to produce. Is this a food source for some intelligence and it is discarding excess production? There are also falls or strange vegetable matter, that seems to have been processed.


5. Who is Behind It All?

Well, here I have to speculate. It is by no means an explanation, but rather a possibility.

Little known, but widely occurring all over the planet as observed by witnesses, is the stealing of water by UFOs, by sucking the water up via a hose, or drawing water up by an energetic mechanism. Some of those UFOs are probably physical craft, but others who are luminous seem to be one end of a dimensional wormhole (by lack of better terms; maybe one could say teleportation). In the latter case the water gets drawn upwards and disappears through this entry point and must appear at another point most likely inside a larger spaceship somewhere in our solar system. So, it is possible that those aliens, or extraterrestrials, also draw up fish and other small animals. Maybe that is the purpose, aside from needing water to begin with. After all, they need to eat too. Water animals are not the only animals they steal. Wherever UFOs appear, land animals disappear: cows, horses, deer, elks, even pets. Some witnesses have this actually seen happening. Some abductees have seen these animals aboard their ship.

Large animals are too difficult to keep onboard a spaceship for breeding. But small animals like fish and frogs can easily be kept in tanks for breeding purposes, and thus are a sustainable food source. Once in while, they have to get rid of excess, or when cleaning their tanks. So, they can teleport the animals or seeds or other substances from their spaceship to certain locations on Earth. Being creatures of habit, they would do so periodically at fixed locations, although they could choose any place if they like.

Another possibility could be that they come into our atmosphere and just release the dump load directly into the air, preferably in a thunderstorm or heavy rain to mask their presence.

I guess, they are sometimes a little lazy and don't wait for a thunderstorm to appear. There are cases when the anomalous fall of fishes came out of a single cloud, in an otherwise blue sky. This is really interesting, although there are only a few cases like this. All of the following examples, taken from original reports mentioned in this article, happened in an otherwise clear sky:

  • A yellowish cloud attracted the attention of several people, both from its color and the rapidity of its motion

  • Towards nine o’clock a small cloud appeared on the horizon and a quarter of an hour afterwards rain began to fall when to the horror of everybody, it was found to consist of black worms...

  • ...a black cloud appeared hiding the sun, and several bright flashes of lightning came from the cloud, after which the fish were seen glistening and lively, evidently much disconcerted by their surroundings.

  • Tremendous number of little toads, one or two months old, that were seen to fall from a great thick cloud that appeared suddenly in a sky that had been cloudless,

  • It was a stifling hot night am suddenly a blue-black cloud appeared on the nor'-west horizon. With amazing rapidity the sky became black and over cast, followed by a fierce electrical storm.

  • Suddenly a dense, black cloud made its appearance, and it soon began to discharge a copious rain upon our unprotected heads.

Why is there an anomalous cloud associated with these falls? A cloud is a condensation of water vapor. When a portal is created as the target area for the teleportation of the fishes, then this localized area could experience a sudden drop in temperature, resulting in the formation of a cloud. A spaceship could also create such a temperature drop around itself as a means to hide itself from view.


6. Original news and magazine reports of anomalous rains

Older accounts from past centuries often contain many details of other phenomena that accompanied the anomalous rains. Especially in the countryside, people were more keen observers of what happened around them, especially the weather. Even the media in those times were more open to something unusual, strange or weird. Nowadays, the media ridicules everything out of the normal, and will only pay attention to what meteorologists have to say. Nevertheless, sometimes there are still some good present-day reports with many details, especially in the more localized press.

Wherever possible I have looked for the original accounts and included them in this article. Many newspapers and scientific and governmental magazines and publications have been digitized and made accessible online. It takes a little effort to find these original reports, but it is worth it, as they often show details that are not present in books or magazines about mysterious rains. Most of these reports are from English spoken countries. As it is a world- wide phenomenon, we are looking at just the tip of an iceberg. Considering that I have limited myself primarily to public domain American and Australian newspapers from before the passing of copyright law (before 1923 in the USA and before 1955 in Australia), the number of anomalous showers over the past two centuries must be far greater than what I have collected. I have also included modern-day reports.

I have grouped the reports or accounts of the anomalous rains into several pages. In regards to animals, fish are the most common of these anomalous rains. Fish rains are the most known of the anomalous rains, but certainly not the only ones.

As you can see from the following links, and as I have mentioned in the above, the animals are all lower life forms, and a good source of protein.

Links to sub-chapters with original news reports:

Rain of Fish 

Rain of Frogs

Rain of Lizards

Rain of Snakes

Rain of Worms

Rain of Other  Animals

Rain of Meat

Rain of Processed Organic Substances

Rain of Fruit and Seeds

Rain of Inorganic Substances