The last couple of decades there has been a growing
interest in ancient crystal skulls. The most famous crystal skull, which
is as big as a human skull, was discovered by Anna Mitchell-Hedges, daughter
of the archeologist F. A. Mitchell-Hedges, while exploring the ruins of
a Mayan city in British Honduras (Belize). When the skull was found, the
Mayans became very excited and celebrated for days. Day after day more and
more Mayans came to the place of discovery to see and venerate this mysterious
object. It was obviously something sacred to them, so F. A. Mitchell-Hedges
decided to give the skull to the Mayan people. When the archeological work
was over the Mayans gave the skull back. Since then it has been in the hands
of Anna, who has shown the skull numerous times to interested people in
order to share this wonderful object with others.
The Mitchell-Hedges Skull

The Mitchell-Hedges skull is a masterpiece of art.
It was made from one piece of clear crystal, but the lower jaw is a separate
piece and removable. The skull shows all the details of a normal human skull.
It seems to have been made without the aid of metal tools because of the
absence of typical scratches metal tools make. Laboratory tests tell us
that it is impossible to duplicate this skull with modern equipment. One
reason is that it has been made with total disregard to the axis of the
crystal. Cutting crystal with disregard to the axis normally results in
the shattering of the crystal, unless you have special equipment. Also,
there are optical lenses inside the skull which produce a particular light
phenomena. Light is channeled from the base of the skull into the excavated
eye sockets by a set of concave and convex lenses built into the skull.
If a fire or a light is placed underneath the skull its eyes will flicker
with intense light.
The British Museum of

There is another full size crystal skull around,
it is in the British Museum of Mankind in London, England. It was found
at the end of the last century in Meso-America. This one is not as detailed
as the Mitchell-Hedges skull, but it is also a wonderful piece of art. The
entire skull is made from one piece of crystal, that is the lower jaw is
not detachable.
Musée de L'Homme, Paris

In the Musée de l'Homme in Paris, France, another
smaller, primitive crystal skull is on display for visitors. This one was
also found in Meso-America at the beginning of the 19th century. This skull
was probably made by the Mayans. Other crystal skulls have since appeared.
The origin of the crystal skulls is unclear. The British and the Paris
skulls are referred to as Aztec, but there is no proof of this. Some of
the skulls could have been made by the Mayans, but the more sophisticated
skulls, like the Mitchell-Hedges skull, were made by sophisticated means.
Carbon-14 dating does not work with crystal, so there is no scientific way
of dating the skulls. Psychics who have worked with the skulls, and have
read the energies stored in them, tell us that some of the skulls date from
the Atlantean period. Atlantis was a mighty civilization believed to
have existed from approximately 300,000 to 12,000 years ago. Much of it
sank in what is now know as the Atlantic Ocean. Although the Atlanteans
used crystal skulls in their temples, there are different stories about
how the skulls were made. Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), also called the Sleeping
Prophet, who was known for his accurate psychic readings, mentioned the
level of technology in Atlantis. He said that the Atlanteans had great crystals
that condensed light in a particular way and sent energy out to outlying
home devices, as well as to ships or vehicles moving in the air, the water
and even in the earth. Their technology was not limited to transport crafts,
but also included photography at a distance, reading inscriptions through
walls at a distance, overcoming gravity, and so on. Other sources mention
that the Atlanteans also had vehicles with which they could travel into
outer space. These vehicles seem not to have been made by the Atlanteans
themselves, but by extraterrestrials with whom the Atlanteans had connections.
The owner of the Amethyst Skull, A Mayan priest, said that the amethyst
crystal from which the skull was made had grown on another planet. This
is not a unique statement about the outer space origin of the skulls. When
I once showed a picture of the Mitchell-Hedges skull to the Hungarian shaman
Joska Soos, he said that this skull was not made
on Earth, but outside in space. Psychics say that some of the skulls come
from other planets and others were made here on earth by extraterrestrials,
whether or not in collaboration with Atlantean scientists. Some smaller
skulls have been made by Mayans in later times, in an attempt to imitate
the ancient crystal skulls. One of the images that always turn up when
people look into the skulls is UFOs. Psychics continually link the crystal
skulls not only to extraterrestrials, but also to intraterrestrials and
other-dimensional beings. Sometimes it is stated that the skull creators,
or the beings who are still working through the crystal skulls, are non-physical
beings residing in the ethereal realms. Intraterrestrials are also mentioned,
but it is not always clear if they are physical beings residing in an underground
world, or if they are ethereal beings living in another dimension situated
inside the earth. The intraterrestrials are very concerned about the well-being
of the entire planet and through the crystal skulls they are trying to make
us more aware of our responsibility for the planet and our own evolution.
These beings are often seen by psychics while gazing into the skulls. They
say that they resemble beings described by certain UFO contactees. The
crystal skulls have the ability to open consciousness of people who work
with them. Actual physical contact is not necessary. people have reported
contacts that were made by having only a picture of a crystal skull. Contacting
the skulls also results in entering inner space, where the unconscious becomes
more accessible, and one can explore hidden potentials in oneself. One may
then enter inner realms linked to dimensions in which beings related to
the crystal skulls are living. In short, working with the crystal skulls
or with picture of them, one can contact these no-human beings. Contacting
other beings through the crystal skulls is not the only function they have.
The skulls are also considered to be a kind of computer in which information
and knowledge was recorded by people who worked with them in ancient times.
Great knowledge can thus be derived from the skulls, although it is stated
that our present civilization is not ready yet to receive all the information
stored in the skulls. The skulls also contain images of the ages which have
passed since their creation. psychics see past civilizations and events
in the skulls, for example the destruction of Atlantis, and the struggle
between good and evil forces to have the crystal skulls into their possession.
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