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Large wooden Enel Osiris Pendulum, 7.5 inches, 19 cm, radionics


7.5 inches (19 cm) high, 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter, with 30 inches (76 cm) cord.

The Osiris wooden pendulum emits Negative Green (it is called 'negative' when placed in the color wheel, opposite the color green). It has a distinct geometrical form, consisting of four hemispheres, one on top of the other, that works like a 'battery', amplifying its own radiation.

This is actually a positive energy that functions as a powerful transmitter. It send out a carrier wave that transports any frequencies into a subject's information field.

It can also be used with radionics, amplifying and transmitting energies.
The large size and weight of the pendulum is ideal to generate and open more quickly a vortex of energy.

Price: $ 175, shipping included. Only USA. No international shipping.


Enel Osiris Pendulum

Enel Osiris Pendulum