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Short Chronological Biography of Joska Soos

(this is an automatic translation, with some corrections, from a French document, originally posted at

French version: click here

Jozsef ( Joska ) was born in the center of the vast Hungarian plain. He was born in a small house in Apostag , a small village 72 kms from the capital of Budapest. This village is a few kilometers from Lake Baloton (the largest freshwater lake in Central Europe) and 13 kilometers from "DunafôIdvàr " bridge over the Danube (majestic river which crosses the country from end to over 400 kms) .
New borders of the largest country in Central Europe are to be set by the Treaty of Trianon (1920). The Kingdom of Hungary does no longer exist and loses a great part of its territory, more than 70 %. The country has been torn apart by the end of the World War and the terribly impoverished parents Soos are very proud of his arrival on December 20 on a somber and cold day in late 1921.
Within 4 days France sent out their first radio broadcast.
1921. A year that saw the birth of great, unusual personalities. Arthur Grumiaux , Belgian violinist (º 21 March) - Peter Ustinov , actor and British author (º 16 -av ) - Andrei Dmiterievich Sakharov . Russian nuclear physicist . Nobel Peace Prize 1975 ( † 1989) (º 21 May) . That same year  the undisputed masters of the world of music died, Enrico Caruso, Italian singer (º 1873) ( † 2 August) and Camille Saint- Saëns . composer ( † 16 dec) .
The parents of the little boy took care of him until he was 4 years old; the couple Soos really found him too difficult to raise him at the same time as Kato,
Joska sister, and her younger brother, Arpad. His father was a tailor and did not have enough time to raise all his children. His poor mother is overwhelmed. Therefore his grandparents raised him for 10 years . They lived in the small rural village of Solt, some 15 kilometers  from Apostag. Joska adored his " Nagypapa " and " Nagymama " ( Grandparents ) and his life life at this magical place.
Then the local blacksmith Tamas Bacsi takes notice of him and taught him the values ​​and issues of life. Tamas Bacsi was a shaman, and he  was happy to find Joska, touched by the grace and the wealth of exceptional powers of the child. He saw that Joska will have the power to heal the sick. This great man instilled in him the maxim "I do not heal. I restore harmony."
Joska grows with strength and independence, he is not what one might call an easy child. His grandparents will often correct his rebellious character. Everything changes when he start studying. He is obviously very talented, especially for the languages ​​and handicrafts. He is gifted with a sharp a mind and his impulses are sometimes overflowing with enthusiasm, but sometimes with great suspicion. But continuously pushing his limits in search of some wisdom (imprinted by his shamanic teacher). He uses his intelligence with pride and boldness, clarity and reckless at a time .
He was barely 20 years old when Nazi Germany made an end to his patriotic and professional duties, his mission and goals. He was deported to Germany in forced labor. In 1946 he was released.
He went to
Maastricht (Belgium), as a stateless person. He soon joined Mireille Leroy in Charleroi (he had met him in the German work camps). To get the opportunity to stay in Belgium and work freely, he married Mireille. From this union was born Christine Sophie.
Mrs. Leroy's health is very weak and marked by abuse of her imprisonment. She was placed in a nursing home, without much hope of recovery. Little Sophie is placed in a boarding house.
Joska started working in the coal mines of Borinage. he tells us that in this dark environment he "profits" from the silence and lack of light discover himself and his memories. He is very impressed by this great isolation that pushes him into a true creative frenzy. He enrolled in the Fine Arts in Charleroi in 1949 to follow the art classes there. here he met the famous artists: Marcel Delmotte , Ben Genaux who will become Charles Delporte , Fernand Dresse.
In the 1950s Joska frequently exhibits his work and met Gisèle Kinssinger. Separated from his sick wife, he lived in concubinage with his new conquest. They had a boy named Carlo ( Michel or Almos . depending on the choice of his origins ) does not bear the name of SOOS. For almost 5 years Joska works in the mines. For health reasons, he must change direction and he became painter. With the help of brother Francette he starts working in the metal industry and he becomes fitter and foreman.
This function allows him to devote more time to his art work. He received several art awards, which encourages him to continue its quest for new techniques and new materials.
He is a member of the International Movement of Fantastic Art and Magic " Fantasmagie ". He exhibits his paintings and drawings in different countries: Germany,
Holland, France, Switzerland and the United States. They are also in private collections in all these countries. Also in/span> national collections at the Royal Museum of Belgium and Holland.
His painting is as a combination of signs and figures, carrying a symbolic and mystical meaning. This strange art derives its source from his own experiences in the dark and blinding "black stone and fire", "the silence and the Fury" what for its author have a religious  and magical purpose.
1965. He takes an independent artist status and produces a lot but can not live comfortably in this activity only. Joska is taken by a frenzy, he becomes translator, performer and teacher (he knows 5 languages) and continued his artistic productions as always with great enthusiasm. We are in 1958. The International Exhibition in Brussels in full swing. He met Francette Geleyn. He decides to marry his new girlfriend, but he must first divorce his first wife. He married his second wife Rancette and from this beautiful union was born, in 1965, his  second daughter named Melusine Soos.
Very interested in the interests of Francette, he remembers the advice of his spiritual father Tamas Bacsi, and he becomes aware of how to use his "powers" from his childhood. He understands the importance of controlling his shamanic powers  and is passionate about all the techniques that are being used around the world.
In 1975, after returning from a trip to Mexico , Francette decides to leave Joska Soos. Here again he is confronted with a decision making which is extremely difficult and sad.
He brings back his true self that has been ignored for too long. he calls himself Joska Soos Sovar of the Clan Baksa . The adventures and gesticulations of his life had not pushed him to find his real name. He will now continue his activities under this name. He rediscovers the coat of arms of his family received dating back to 1285. In 1418 they were incorporated into the Knights of the Order of the Dragon. This find gives him a new determination to overcome the difficult conditions in which he was living.
He is seeking all the techniques necessary to his recovery he found in the lessons of its past. He puts into practice everything he learned from his shamanic teacher while he grew up in the small village of Solt.
He starts to use the of sound vibrations again and their use in regaining his balance. He began his duties as shaman in 1977, while he continued to be a painter. He lectures widely and gradually he settled in his role as shaman. He gives lessons to some passionate disciples.
He still manages to help people who ask his help. He also organizes several "workshops" which are very popular. He is highly appreciated in this world who often uses him as a teacher or Shaman. He had even been approached by a medical establishment in the U.S, in order to become a therapist for some forms of disease, but he refused the trip
in a definitive manner. In Hungary, he is part of the great brotherhood of Shamans.
He took his official retirement in 1986, and he developed his contacts and activities as Shaman. He produced books and records , courses and exhibitions. He met his new girlfriend Monique Franken and moved to her home in Merksem (Antwerp) in 1988. On 26/10/1990 he married her in 3rd wedding.
From that moment they travel a lot. He becomes an important figure in the shamanic circles worldwide.
While the countless activities and travels are somewhat destabilizing, he became an undisputed master in his field. Probably the greatness and power of Joska made his wife stand too much in the shadow(not including the too many fantastic roles she played alongside her husband).
In 2004 Mrs. Franken decides to leave the marital home, leaving him helpless and alone. She went to live in their second home
in De Panne (at the Belgian Coast).
Since that time, he had it very difficult without his family being aware of it.
In early 2006 he didn't see anyone for days and after a long time, without any visits of his wife, his stepmother discovered him lying unconscious on the ground. He was immediately hospitalized at Jan Palfijn in Merksem. A few weeks later he was moved to the centrum in Joosten /Zoerse( Turnhout / Belgium).
His rehabilitation took several months.
Joska thought he could one day return to his home!  He thought his wife had left him in the center. He seemed not to be aware of his condition. Following various medical tests, doctors decided that his mental condition had worsened considerably. He could not go home. He needed care on a daily basis and in a specialized center. He was greatly diminished both physically, and mentally.
In June 2006 , he was officially and permanently domiciled in Zoersel!
Joska Soos was very happy to find the project on CD. After several visits he was able to edit it himself. His memory of the past was intact and the Grand Shaman Artist has lots of memory and very detailed memories of past events and situations.
The "Web Side" was produced by a trio of enthusiasts: Christine Sophie Soos Sovar, his friend Jean- Louis Corbesiers and his son Stephen.
Melusine Soos SOVAR and Almos Michelazzo have contributed to it too.
Some details have been revived thanks to the comments of Francine (called Francette ) Geleyn.
Friends: Luke Geldoff, Michel Bastin and Ann Connor gave their linguistic knowledge, in order to refine the Dutch, English and German versions .
Madame Flora Desondes and Eric Theunis agreed to give their opinions and personal research for the documentation side.
The entire site took no less than 9 months of work. Preparation, storyboard, illustration, archives, print documents, choice of pictures, some images from the Internet, corrections and translations to complete the creation of the site
More than 700 images (photos ) were used with over 600 texts.