"Om ah Hum" is a well-known Buddhist
mantra, but what does it mean? It is a mantra that functions on many levels.
The following is a basic explanation.
The Tibetan Buddhist Chant
of Om ah Hum also contains these sounds. The Om ah Hum, the Mantra of Blessing
frequently precedes the recitation of other mantras. The sounds Om,
Ah and Hum are individual Sanskrit seed syllables. The first thing we notice
is that consists of three words, what immediately implies the symbolism
of any trinity. In Buddhism the most common found trinity is that of Body
(kaya), Sound or Speech (vak) and Spirit or Mind (citta). The perfect state
of being of each of these three bodies is symbolized by the three words
of Om a Hum. The Body is not only the physical body of man but also the
entire material dimension of the individual. The Sound is the life energy
of the Body, known as prana. The Spirit is the reason and that what is behind
the reason.

Looking a little closer to those three words, we can say
that Om is the primal vibration out of which all things came forth and into
which all things will be absorbed at the end of the cosmic cycle. Om is
the first manifestation from Shiva-Shakti in the form of sound consciousness.
At the same time Om is the quintessence of the universe. It is the highest
expression of consciousness. Ah is the symbol of the primal state of the
spirit. It is the female aspect, the mother fully expressed in divine wisdom.
It is also the unborn, a state of being that is without thought. It is the
essential state of Emptiness. Hum is the root vibration, the smallest, undividable
unity of sound as reflection of the essential nature of Kundalini-Shakti.
Hum is the descent from universality (Om) into the human heart. Macrocosm
is reflected in microcosm, and the rather esoteric explanation of Om a Hum
is reflected in the chakras. Om is related to the Crown chakra (Sahasrara),
and is of the color white (purity). Ah is related to the Throat chakra (Visshudha),
and is of the color red (Divine Love).Hum is related to the heart chakra
(Anahata), and is of the color blue (stability and eternity). When pronouncing
or chanting Om ah Hum one visualizes a flow between the words and what the
words stand for. When pronouncing Om one imagines that it stands for the
universal sound, the symbolic word for the infinite, the perfect, the eternal.
It fills the mind with the idea of eternal perfection. Om is like the opening
of our arms to embrace all that lives and exists. It brings peace, bliss,
clarity, firmness, courage, stability and strength. Om descends from the
Crown chakra to the heart chakra in order to be transformed into vibrant
life. Ah is the expression of wonder and direct awareness. It is a point
of stillness, of emptiness. Ah brings energy, openness, expansion and empowerment.
Hum is the universality (Om) brought into the heart, it is the infinite
in the finite, the eternal in the temporal. The long 'u' sound in Hum expresses
a downward movement to accentuate this descent. The 'h' in Hum is the sound
of the breath (prana) and 'm' hints at a state beyond duality. Hum is brings
expansiveness, infinity, essence and oneness into the human being. Thus
this mantra brings the primal, universal, infinite vibration into one's
heart and being, into one's awareness.