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Shamanic Paintings of the Hungarian shaman Joska Soos

Paintings on canvas and paper by the Hungarian shaman Joska Soos, depicting light-sound beings, as directly perceived by his inner vision.

Here are paintings with a direct connection to shamanism.

From light-beings to shamanic work.

Also several self-portraits while Joska Soos was shamanizing.

Shamanic rituals, spirits and ancestors.

In his drawings, black lines represents brilliant white light.


Three Shamans, painting by Joska Soos

Three Shamans, 1992

One is female, the other is male, and the one in the middle is androgynous.

Shaman, 2003

Shaman, 2003 

Androgynous Being, 2003

Androgynous Being, 2003 


Great Shamanization, 2004

Great Shamanic Work, 2004

 Shamanizing Work during the Night, 2004

Shamanic Work during the Night, 2004

Great Shamanisation of the Primordial Sound in Auto Portrait, 1996

Great Shamanisation of the Primordial Sound in Auto Portrait, 1996

Courtesy of Bastiaan van Eynatten

Memories of a High Initiation, 1999

Memories of a High Initiation, 1999
Courtesy of Bastiaan van Eynatten
Supreme Shamanic Initiation, 1993

Supreme Shamanic Initiation, 1993
Courtesy of Bastiaan van Eynatten
Self-portrait of the Shaman, Myself, 1995

Self-portrait of the Shaman, Myself, 1995
Self-portrait with Shamanic Song, 1995

Self-portrait with Shamanic Song, 1995
Self-Portrait, Shamanic Work, 2005

Self-Portrait, Shamanic Work, 2005
Shamanic Recollections, 2000

Shamanic Recollections, 2000


Cosmic Sound Apparition, paintintg by Joska Soos

Joska Soos shamanizing and Cosmic Sound Apparition, 1996

Great Pan (Joska), Paintintg by Joska Soos

Self Portrait, singing


"Myself Doing Shamanic Work", 2003


Shamanic Self Portrait 


Spirit of the Great Shaman. painting by Joska Soos

Spirit of the Great Shaman, 1993
Shamanic Revelation, 2003

Shamanic Revelation, 2003
Shamanic Spirit, painting by Joska Soos

Shamanic Spirit of Life, 1993
Shamanic Ritual, painting by Joska Soos

Shamanic Ritual, 2003
Primordial shamanic animus, painting by Joska Soos

Primordial Shamanic Animus (=soul), 2004
Shamanic Couple, painting by Joska Soos

Shamanic Couple, 2003


Light-Sound Shamanic Spirit, 1993

Light-Sound Shamanic Spirit, 1993

Courtesy of Bastiaan van Eynatten

Shamanic Ancestors, painting by Joska Soos

Shamanic Ancestors, 2003



Shaman, 2003

Shaman, 2003
(courtesy of Eric Theunis)
Shaman, 2001

Shaman, 2001
Shaman, 2001

Shaman, 2001
Courtesy of Elly Vogel
Shaman Spirit, drawing by Joska Soos

Shamanic Spirit, 1994
Shaman Spirit, drawing by Joska Soos

Shamanic Spirit, 1990

Shamanic Spirit, 1988

Shamanic Spirit, 1988

Courtesy of Bastiaan van Eynatten

Shamanic Spirit, 1988

Shamanic Spirit, 1988

Courtesy of Bastiaan van Eynatten 

Shamnic eagle, 1995

Shamanic Eagle, 1995


Shaman Trio, 2003


Instruments of a Sidereal Shamanization, 1997

 Personified shamanic male and female, and Great Invocation, 1994 

Personified shamanic male and female, and Great Invocation, 1994
Great Invocation, no date

Great Invocation, no date
 Courtesy of Bastiaan van Eynatten 

Shamanic Chant of All Azimuth Liberating Action, Self Portrait of the Shaman Artist,  1995


Apparition of a Light Being During a Shamanization, 1991


The Omega of Scottish Ritual, 1978


A Light Being that Showed up During a Shamanization

A Light Being that Showed up During a Shamanization