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Contents: Soft Objects Embedded in Hard Objects Not Moved or Not Broken Amid Devastation ***************************** Most people are familiar with the devastation and destruction tornadoes cause. However, tornadoes are not simple rotating funnels. They are more complex phenomena. There are horizontal vortexes in the parent cloud, they display luminosity of various kinds and electromagnetic phenomena, they can contain multiple vortexes. They also display anomalous phenomena such as the penetration of planks into trees, and anti-gravity effects, lifting and displacing heavy objects even in the absence of heavy winds. The established explanation for the formation of a tornado is the convergence of warm air in updraft and cool air from downdraft regions causing a rotating wall cloud to form. The rear flank downdraft causes the base to draw air from a smaller and smaller area on the ground. As the updraft intensifies, it creates an area of low pressure at the surface. This pulls the focused rotation down, in the form of a visible condensation funnel. However there is an alternative explanation for the formation and characteristics of tornados based on several anomalous events that are directly associated with them. Reports of these anomalous events are rare because people usually seek shelter. However, some strange events have been witnessed. Some events leave physical results not explainable by orthodox science. Strange energies or energy fields seem to be responsible for the anomalies. The term 'anomalies' means that a kind of physics is at work that is outside present established science. This alternative explanation views the formation of a tornado as an interaction between localized vacuum domains and the atmospheric environment, proposed in a paper called Planetophysical Function of Vacuum Domains, by Russian scientists A. N. Dmitriev, V. L. Dyatlov, A.V. Teteno. Another article is Electrogravidynamic Concept of Tornadoes by A. N. Dmitriev, V. L. Dyatlov, V. I. Merculov. If you are more scientific oriented, their theory is explained in all its details in the book Problems of the Inhomogeneous Physical Vacuum by V. L. Dyatlov. The theory introduces a new concept: the vacuum domain. In the general model of the physical vacuum, it functions as its non-homogeneity or a local modification where the electrodynamics and the gravidynamics are coupled; whereas outside the vacuum domain there is no such coupling at all. In other words, the physical vacuum, which is everywhere (infinite), is homogeneous (uniform in structure or composition) and isotropic (having the same properties in all directions). The physical vacuum is the ground state of all quantum fields, and is formed not only by virtual electrons and positrons but also by all the other known particles and antiparticles in a virtual state. The virtual particles-antiparticles are characterized by electrical charges and masses, as well as interrelated magnetic moments and moments of the amount of movement (spins or torsions). (These characteristics all show up in tornados.) The physical vacuum can be regarded as populated by enormous amounts of virtual particle-antiparticle pairs. It is the basis for the forming and propagation of electromagnetic waves. The physical vacuum fluctuations create interactions with real particles. A vacuum domain can be considered as an enclosed space with boundaries within the physical vacuum. In this enclosed space the vacuum is non-homogeneous. Here, the electric, magnetic, gravitic, and spin fields differ from their surroundings. So, the vacuum domain is locally modified. Within this local space electric charges and magnetism are coupled with gravitational forces. One can change into the other. Gravitational energy can change into electromagnetic energy and the reverse. The vacuum domain has a definite geometric form such as a ball, ellipsoid etc. with volume and a corresponding boundary surface. In the physical vacuum the electromagnetic and gravitational polarizations are weakly related to each other. In the local space of a vacuum domain they are modified and strongly related to each other, and they are associated with strong physical effects in the macroscopic world. Vacuum domains can penetrate any kind of matter (since they are composed of the very energy that matter is made of) where they introduce the electric, magnetic, gravitational and spin fields, and distribute angular momentum. Inside the vacuum domains gravitational and spin energy (gravispin waves) coming from the physical vacuum are transformed into electric and magnetic waves (photons=light); and the energy of electromagnetic waves coming from the physical vacuum are transformed into into gravispin waves. Vacuum domains are responsible for energy transport flows between lithosphere (the Earth's outer rock mantle), atmosphere and ionosphere. In all these layers they can create phenomena not explained by orthodox science: electric circuits and discharges magnetic variations and pulses mechanical stresses changes in the velocity and intensity of chemical reactions in these layers They also create natural self-luminous formations of different kinds, because visible light consists of electromagnetic waves: ball lightning (luminous spheres that move around) plasmoids (a coherent toroidal structure with electric and magnetic fields; these are actually large ball lightnings)) poltergeist phenomena tornadoes (self-luminous formations exist both in a relatively large tornado cloud and in a relatively small tornado funnel. There are many reports of this phenomena, including reports of people who have been inside tornadoes or seen into them from underneath. Those who have seen them from the inside or underneath report bright clouds, or light, or that the funnel was bright inside from much continuous lightning which "zigzagged" from side to side inside ) angels (a radar interference detected some kilometers above tectonic faults) "small comets or atmospheric holes" ionosphere and atmospheric explosions (some of these explosions can cause an intense release of high-energy photons) lithosphere explosion tubes sprites (large-scale electric discharges that occur high above thunderstorm clouds, or cumulonimbus, giving rise to a varied range of visual shapes flickering in the night sky.) elves (emission of light and very low frequency perturbations due to electromagnetic pulse sources.) lights connected with the earthquakes and the volcanic eruptions (The passage of a vacuum domain through stressed sections of the Earth’s crust which are non-homogeneous in composition can result in the release of great mechanical stresses, i.e., earthquakes, especially in tectonically stressed areas.) Vacuum domains have the following physical properties that we observe in anomalous phenomena: penetration into matter or passage through matter in any of its phase states: plasma, gas, liquid and solid self-emission and absorption of light and other electromagnetic radiation in the wide frequency range the creation of a electric and magnetic fields (the geomagnetic field near a vacuum domain will change) the electric field inside and outside of a vacuum domain can lead to electrical breakdowns, electric devices stop functioning the distortion of the gravitational field (levitation and increases in weight) intense rotation of gas inside the vacuum domains with a change in the magnetic and spin fields of the Earth (hence the rotation of air and dust and particles in tornados) capture of dust; this is the result of the effect of gravitational, electrical, magnetic and spin fields of the vacuum domain (what we see with tornadoes) ionospheric and atmospheric explosions Because the general property of vacuum domains is to be an energy transformer of electric, magnetic, gravitational, and spin fields, tornados phenomena are not explained by classical physics. These phenomena display localized and temporary appearances. The existence of a vacuum domain depends on the energetic processes in the lithosphere and atmosphere. Tornados are the result of an energy transport from the lithosphere to the atmosphere. A well-defined energy that wells up from the rocky Earth into the atmosphere creating the tornado would explain that there have been reports of a tornado forming while there was no parent cloud in the sky. The parent cloud would then form afterwards. This is in contrast with the orthodox explanation that tornados are always born from a cloud. Most of the time this is the case, but not always. Because a vacuum domain has a sharply defined boundary, a tornado can totally destroy an object while one feet away leave another object untouched: "There are several accounts of people standing within 150 feet of the funnel and feeling no violent wind. Sometimes the destruction in one place is complete, with every building, tree and fence levelled to the ground, while a few feet away the lightest object is undisturbed." (The Violent Earth by Frank W. Lane, 1986, page 38). It can transform the gravitational force, and make objects, people and animals levitate in the sense that an anti-gravity effect raises them upwards. The wind can then move them a certain distance where they descend slowly to the ground, being unharmed. All in contrast with the blowing around and upwards at an angle with great velocity winds, with often destructive results. High velocity winds can make a hard object penetrate a softer object, such as a metal spade into a tree. However there are many examples of softer objects penetrating harder ones cleanly without any shattering or splintering. This cannot be done by high velocity of the object. The vacuum domain can transform the harder object which goes through a temporary change of the state of matter that makes it more 'fluid' or gives it plasticity, thus making it vulnerable for penetration. ********** Levitation (or an anti-gravity effect) of objects and people is not explained by orthodox science, and thus scientists will dismiss such reports. Also, when a tornado arrives, most people will seek shelter and will not be witness to unusual events during the tornado's passage. And these events are very short-lived, reducing the chance to be witnessed or recorded. That is why such reports are rather rare, but they do exist. Tornados display levitation effects that are not caused by supposedly a drop in air pressure, or a supposed vacuum as some scientists want us to believe. Very strong winds have overturned trains, locomotive, wagons, cars trailers, and of course destroyed buildings. However winds or reduced air pressure does not lift a train of the tracks, turn it around 180 degrees and put it down again in the opposite direction as was once witnessed (see below). Houses has been lifted up and put many feet further down, without blowing them to pieces. People also have been lifted up and sometimes out of their houses (when the roof was blown off) and put them down unharmed a short distance away. The same with animals. Light and heavy objects have been seen lifting of the ground vertically, even before the tornado arrived. People often argue that it is the reduced air pressure or a vacuum that lifts up heavy objects. However, there is no such thing as a reduced air pressure that is so rarified that it could suck up a heavy object. The reduced air pressure would be all around the object and no lifting power would be generated. If such a very rarified air pressure would come over, people would not be able to breathe, and that has never been a problem with tornados. There is no vacuum with a tornado. Dmitriev argues that the large size of the tornado column allows a physical change to take place in the gravitational field, that is, levitation. Such property takes place due to a dipole distortion in the gravitational field within the tornado’s column. Following are some reports of levitation of objects, people and animals. A EF1 (weak) tornado went through Erie County, NY in July 20, 2017. Home surveillance video in Hamburg shows a car being levitated into the air. The video can be watched on YouTube. When you watch the video, notice that there is only a slight breeze. No damage whatsoever around the car. The trailer (not connected to the car) and a garbage can are also lifted up. The rotation of all three is most likely due to the wind, but can also be the result of the spin field inside the vacuum domain:
Screen shot of the video
There is no question that a car can be lifted up a little bit and rolled around in crosswinds above 60 m/s, which is in the EF2 range. Contrary to popular belief, it is not the decrease in air pressure that can lift a car with low pressure above it to any substantial height. Rather, when air broadsides a car, some of it gets forced underneath, and the high pressure below the car is the force that lifts it up a little. But once off the ground, the car is then rapidly accelerated in the direction of the wind, rolls around and hits the ground a short distance away. Semi-trucks and tractor trailers were seen flying through the air as tornadoes swept the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas, November 17 2013. There had to be an initial levitation of these objects, after which the enormous winds moved them a large distance through the air.
Picture is a still shot from video on YouTube (starts at 2:46). If these semi-trucks and tractor trailers are sucked up by wind alone, why are the other ones (below left in picture) unmoved?
An F5 tornado in 1966 hit Mississippi: The storm then came through rural Hinds County, laying out pecan trees as if they were ready for planting. It then slammed into the back wall of candlestick park shopping center, where 12 died. One of the lucky ones was Donna Durr, a school teacher, who miraculously survived along with her infant son, being lifted 75 feet into the air in a Volkswagen bug and was gently dropped back to earth. "I turned to my son, two years old, and said oh no, we are in it. And then I had the sensation of being picked up. We were up there just floating, and I was thinking, oh no, this is it, but just as quickly as that happened then we came down just as gently as we went up," she said. (Survivors Gather to Remember Candlestick Park Tornado) It is interesting that she said they were floating in the air, and being put down gently. This was an F5 tornado, with wind speeds of around 300 miles per hour! A man in another car was picked up by the heavy winds, and died when his car came down violently. In the following example, if the car was two feet off the ground, it would have been blown over and away by the wind, and not being set back on the ground on all fours: This controversy has captured my attention in particular because of a personal encounter with a tornado. In 1995, I was in my car one night, patiently waiting the opportunity to turn from a driveway onto a street in Temple Hills, Md., when seemingly out of nowhere the wind increased to what I perceived as hurricane strength. Needless to say, I was totally surprised and scared beyond belief when my car rose at least two feet off the ground. Fortunately, the wind decreased as rapidly as it had increased, and my car settled back down on the driveway. In my case, there was no time to take action, let alone weigh the possible options. After the fact, I learned I had been only about 100 yards from the path of a tornado spawned by the remnants of Hurricane Opal. The tornado reportedly produced a peak wind of 150 mph, injured three people and resulted in $5 million damage to nearby homes. (Confusion on What to Do If Car Meets Tornado by Steve Tracton) Here again, the car being lifted off the ground was not blown away the violent winds present. The winds blew the rain horizontally, so wind velocity was extremely high: After seeing last month's tornado also turn homes into piles of splintered rubble, Black said she decided to try and outrun the tornado when she learned her southwest Oklahoma City home was in harm's way. She quickly regretted it. When she realized she was a sitting duck in bumper-to-bumper traffic, Black turned around and found herself directly in the path of the most violent part of the storm. "My car was actually lifted off the road and then set back down," Black said. "The trees were leaning literally to the ground. The rain was coming down horizontally in front of my car. Big blue trash cans were being tossed around like a piece of paper in the wind. (Panicked Okla. residents opted to flee approaching tornadoes, clogged roads and interstates, by Sean Murphy) A tornado hit Zaria Svobodi, a Russian village, on the weekend of 13th 2009. It levitated a car after the tornado had passed: The tornadoes had passed and the wind started to dropped. Svet came with water buckets to stop any fires and I paused us all and we stood not moving while the freight train (tornado) disappeared over the hill... The man in the house near us was very lucky: He was in the yard and was hanging on for dear life and watched his car raise about 5 feet in the air and float for a few feet toward his house. The car then was gently lowered on his fence and it tilted on its side and was gently lowered to the ground. His house was not touched and he was next to the car and was not harmed. He was hanging on that corner post that you see with the brace on it. He had just drove the car up there from work.
Source quote and image: From Russia: The Russian Village and the Tornado!
A tornado hit the small town of Krasnozavodsk near Moscow. All trees were flattened and apartment blocks damaged. If this van was picked up by the wind alone, it would have been blown over, rolled to its side. Instead it levitated, slightly moved to the side and put down again on another car. The extremely heavy winds did not tilt it over:
Source quote and image: English Russia
Levitation of objects in the presence of tornadoes is not a new phenomenon. There are many cases in which an entire house was picked up and moved a little bit further with very little damage. There is no way a tornado or its winds can lift a house from its foundation in its entirety without causing severe damage due to the heavy winds. At least it would blow over, or just rip it to pieces, as is usually the case. No wind can can get underneath a house and cause a pressure upwards to remove it from its foundation, lift it up and put it down again in its entirety. On June 5, 1917 a tornado hit Topeka, Kansas, and picked up a heavy seal weight, moved it 100 feet and put it down gently on a pane of glass. If the winds would have blown that weight against the glass, the glass would have certainly broken into pieces: Eight years ago the writer had occasion to investigate the effects of a tornado that had struck near Topeka, Kansas, and among other curious occurrences found an instance where a small railway station had been literally torn to pieces and blown away. A heavy seal weight from this station was picked up 100 feet away, resting on a pane of glass that had not even been cracked. A glass jar of fruit that stood on a shelf in the station was carried several hundred feet by the wind and let down, unbroken, among the debris. A coal shed of a country school in which a party of tourists had taken refuge from the storm escaped with no damage while the outhouse, within two feet of the shed and of about the same construction, was blown entirely away and the nearby school house was demolished. (Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol. 7, No. 6/7 (JUNE-JULY, 1926), by S.D. Flora, pp. 83 -84) Here are some accounts taken from Report on the tornado of May 29 and 30, 1879 in Kansas, Nebraska (1881) by J. P. Finley: A man noticed the rising of small objects when a tornado was approaching, yet there was no strong wind or rising air current. "Mr. James Patterson, one of the most self-possessed men in the town during the passage of the storms, stated that while they were moving through the village there was experienced on their extreme edges an upward pressure, which acted so powerfully as to apparently reduce a man's weight about two-thirds. Small articles of every kind were observed rising from the ground from localities where no strong wind was felt, and finally drawn into the tornado cloud. It was necessary to hold your hat on, even when you felt no pressure against the side of your body. Shavings, straws, and other light objects would ascend in a straight line for a considerable distance and then all at once dart with lightning rapidity downward to the base of the funnel cloud, then upward through its vortex and out at the top." (The Irvin Tornadoes (of May 30, 1879) in page 51. Heavy objects can levitate too, and be moved a short distance before the tornado arrived: "The tool-chest of Mr. J. H. Case, weighing 320 pounds with contents, stood by the S. side of his house (the latter W. of the storm center). It had remained upon the ground long enough to sink itself several inches into the soil. While the family were watching the approaching storm, and before its effects were felt upon the house, the tool-chest was observed to rise from the ground about 2 feet (0.6 m) and move quite evenly to the SW. toward the storm, a distance of 35 feet (10.7 m), where it was deposited without disturbing the tools. A hand-car situated on the side track near the elevator was totally wrecked; two of the wheels with axle attached were carried 350 feet (106.7 m) to the E. and nearly twisted off." ( page 52.) It is interesting that the tools were undisturbed, while the car was wrecked. What energy can interact twist iron? Extremely heavy objects can also be levitated and moved around, excluding heavy wind as the cause: North of Frankfort on the West Fork of the Vermillion River, where the storm crossed, a large stone, weighing from 600 to 800 pounds (partially raised out of the quarry on the W. side of the bluffs), was carried up to the top, a distance of 30 feet (9.1 m), and then rolled over the prairie for 350 feet (106.7 m). (page 52.) ... At the house of Mr. James Spiller, 2 miles (3.219 km) SE. of Mr. Sample's, a 3-gallon tin pail with covered top and full of water was taken up and carried 45 rods (226 m) to the NE. The pail was found right side up still containing the water, and the pail removed without injury to the ears of the pail. (page 56) One would expect that with the high velocity winds, the pail would have been blown over, or rolled around, spilling its water by the time it landed 226 meters (741 feet) further. There are several cases in which a train, engine and wagons have been blown off the tracks. When the heavy winds blow perpendicular to the train, they will make the train tip over on its side and even push it off the tracks altogether. But what about picking up a train engine vertically and turning it around: W. J. Humphreys (1937), of the U.S. Weather Bureau, says that a man once walked into one of their offices and asked: ‘What I want to know is: Can the thing happen that I saw happen?’ The man may be forgiven for doubting his own eyesight, for he thought he had seen a tornado pick up a railway engine from one track, turn it round in midair and set it down on a neighbouring parallel track facing the other way! (The elements rage, the extremes of natural violence, by Frank W. Lane, 1966, page 49)
There have been several reports of a house destroyed but the people inside unharmed. Sometimes they have even been lifted up out of the houses and deposited elsewhere also unharmed, or slightly injured by flying debris. Mr. Frank Seaton, who was in Mr. Sabin's house at the time of the storm, was carried out of the top of the building after the roof was blown off and found 320 yards (293 m) to the E. He and others who saw him say that he was carried at least 40 feet (12.2 m) before landing for the first time; was taken up again but not so high, and partly carried and rolled about 100 yards (91 m), after which he became unconscious, and was lost sight of by those who were watching him... Mr. Ward also stated that there were several instances where people were carried out at the tops of the houses after the roofs went off and before the building went to pieces; also cases where the sides and roof went together over the heads of the unfortunate inmates, who were left upon the ground floor where they received ugly scalp or back wounds. (Report on the tornado of May 29 and 30, 1879 in Kansas, Nebraska (1881) by J. P. Finley, page 52) Aside from the roof being removed, how is it possible to lift people out through the open top, but nothing else? It is not sucking power of reduced air pressure as some people claim. The extreme reduction of air pressure necessary to lift a person up would suffocate the person. They would be unable to breathe and die. These people are levitated, what also would explain why they landed unharmed. Throw a person to a height higher than a house and a large distance from the house, and he would have at least many broken bones. On the opposite side of the track, and 10 rods (50 m) SE. of the storm's center, the house of Mr. Fitch was turned over and torn to pieces, the debris being carried to the NE. and N. His young son was carried over the tree tops and the creek, a distance of a quarter of a mile (0.402 km) to the NW., and landed unhurt. (Report on the tornado of May 29 and 30, 1879 in Kansas, Nebraska (1881) by J. P. Finley, page 54) Another person lifted up and put down safely: Joe Burkhart has a popcorn wagon on Thirteenth Street, just south of Walnut. At 2:30 o’clock on the afternoon of March 18, 1925, it looked like there was going to be quite a rain storm. Then Mr. Burkhart was amazed to see automobiles parked near the Hippodrome in the same block start running along without drivers. He got out of his glass enclosed popcorn wagon, seeking safety. The tornado picked him up, lifted him to the height of a one story building, and let him down on the brick paving at Walnut Street, sixty feet away. He got a cut on the head, but was not seriously hurt. His popcorn wagon moved two or three feet and was left standing on its wheels. (The tri-state tornado: the story of America's greatest tornado disaster, by Peter S. Felknor, 2004, page 64) A clear example that levitation was not caused by winds at all: At Domagné Dr. Pettier suddenly heard an extraordinary indefinite roaring. He rushed toward the garden, where the firs were being plucked up. At the gate he felt a kind of pressure from above; he noticed an unusual smell of ozone; then he felt himself raised up, and this not by the wind, for it was calm, but as though by some invisible force. (Electric Storms and Tornadoes in France on Aug. 18 and 19, 1890 (article in Science magazine of May 29, 1891, page 304)
Animals too can be levitated and transported to the air, unharmed. How does a cow be lifted up and transported 30 to 60 feet and deposited about half a mile away, with no broken bones although muddy?: Among the most wonderful freaks of the first storm was that displayed in the transportation of a cow belonging to Mr. Jasper Martin, whose house stood on the eastern edge of the storms path, near Game Fork Creek. (Diagram No. 6.) By a very careful consideration of the circumstances attending the probable transportation of the cow, it was found that she was picketed near his house before the storm, but after it subsided she was noticed walking towards Mr. Casey's house on the N. side of the creek, having a portion of the lariat rope still upon her horns and her body in a dreadfully muddy condition. On tracing her track backwards about 100 rods (503 m) down the creek to the NW. a point was reached where the tracks terminated in a fall imprint of the beast in the plastic mud. From this spot the distance was measured back to the picket pin on the opposite side of the creek, covering nearly 140 rods (704 m). The growth of timber along the creek, averaging 30 to 40 rods (151 to 201 m) in width, was very heavy and almost impenetrable, making it impossible for the cow to have passed through it alive, so that the most rational conclusion to come to was, that she was carried over the tops of the trees, a height of from 30 to 60 feet (9.1 to 18.3 m) (although perhaps not as high when the wind was blowing, bending down their tops), and landed in a cornfield, three-eighths of a mile (0.604 km) to the NW. (The Irvin Tornadoes (of May 30, 1879)Report on the tornado of May 29 and 30, 1879 in Kansas, Nebraska (1881) by J. P. Finley, page 52.) April 27, 1899, a tornado traveled through Adair County, touching the ground just south of Kirksville and lifting again several miles northeast of town. It left a three block wide path of total destruction. Thirty-two people lost their lives that evening and hundreds of Kirksville citizens were injured. Yet some people, and animals were lifted up, transported through the air and let down gently, unharmed. Not easy explained by the ravaging and devastating winds: Perhaps the most remarkable experiences were those of Miss Moorehouse, Mrs. Webster, and her son. The three were caught up in the storm, and were carried beyond the Catholic church, nearly one fourth of a mile, and let down on the common so gently that none was killed. Mrs. Webster had some slight cuts about the head, her son had one arm fractured, but Miss Moorehouse was uninjured. “I was conscious all the time I was flying through the air,” said Miss Moorehouse, “and it seemed a long time. I seemed to be lifted up and whirled round and round, going up to a great height, at one time far above the church steeples, and seemed to be carried a long distance. I prayed to the Lord to save me, for I believed he could save me, even on the wings of the tornado; and he did wonderfully preserve my life. As I was going through the air, being whirled about at the sport of the storm, I saw a horse soaring and rotating about with me. It was a white horse and had a harness on. By the way it kicked and struggled as it was hurled about I knew it was alive. I prayed God that the horse might not come in contact with me, and it did not. I was mercifully landed upon the earth unharmed, saved by a miracle.” Young Webster says he saw the horse in the air while he was being borne along by the storm. “At one time it was directly over me, and I was very much afraid I would come in contact with its flying heels.” The white horse belonged to a teamster named Cheney, living in the southeastern part of the city. Its mate was found dead near the wrecked barn in which the animals were standing. Their master had just come in from his day’s work, and seeing the rain coming up, put the horses in the barn with- out removing the harness. The white horse, it is said, was caught up and carried one mile through the air, and, according to the accounts of reputable witnesses, at times was over two hundred feet high, passing over a church steeple. Many who were not in the storm say that they saw horses flying in the wind. Beyond being well plastered with mud, the white horse was uninjured by his aerial flight. Remarkable as this story may seem, there are others more marvelous. The storm which swept over Kirksville carried with it no fewer than five horses, in addition to many other animals. Mr. Calvin Little, whose home was destroyed, he and his wife being killed, had a horse that was carried two miles by the storm, alighting uninjured, save for a few bruises, and being plastered with flying mud. Three horses carried nearly as far were found dead in the track of the tornado north-east of the city. One horse was missing from his stall, and found grazing in a distant pasture. A gentleman on the western border of the tornado was lifted out of his own door- yard, over a high wall, into the dooryard of a neighbor, so suddenly that he never knew how he came there. (In The Whirl of a Tornado, a Personal experience by John R. Musick, an article that appeared in The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, volume LVIII, May 1899 to October 1899, page 595)
Soft Objects Embedded in Hard Objects It is normal for hard objects to penetrate softer material when propelled by high velocity winds. With tornado and hurricanes we see wooden planks, iron objects (a fork, a spade) embedded in wooden walls of a house or in sheetrock. However, when a soft objects penetrates a harder material, it cannot be explained by high velocity. No matter how hard you throw a pumpkin to a stone wall, the pumpkin will shatter. What you see with tornadoes and hurricanes is that the softer object penetrates the harder object as if the latter was extremely soft. The penetration is clean, no fractures, sometimes a little material pushed aside. If the softer object, often small or thin and long, would have been hurled at high velocity, it would have at least been broken, splintered or shattered somewhat. We don't see that. The softer object stays intact. That must mean that the harder object was temporarily made 'softer' by an interfering energy (field). In other words, it obtained a temporary plasticity. What this means is a matter of discussion. It could be that the molecular bonds have been weakened, or its matter has been raised in 'frequency' to a higher state. Maybe it went out-of-phase, or something else. During this short period of plasticity, the softer material goes through the harder material as if it is butter. When the period of plasticity ends, the penetration shows a clean entry and exit without any splintering, fractures or cracks. The softer material is then firmly embedded in the harder material, and cannot be pulled out, a feature often mentioned by observers and researchers. At the most, you will see very little material of the harder object pulled outwards at the edge of site of penetration. Imagine you put a knife through a stick of butter, and then the butter turns to stone, you would not be able to pull the knife out.
Laura V. Wolford of the Office of Climatology of the Weather Bureau in the U. S. Department of Commerce mentions in her Tornado Occurrences in the United States that: Following the tornado of November 10, 1915, at Great Bend, Kans., an iron water hydrant was discovered full of wooden splinters. ...After the tri-State tornado of March 18, 1925, ... at Griffin, Ind., a piece of wallpaper about 2x3 inches was observed driven edgewise into the southwest side of a box elder tree about 6 feet above ground. It is impossible for paper to penetrate something as hard as wood. yet, a check embedded itself into a wooden pole during the Elgin F4 tornado in North Dakota on July 4, 1978. Notice the paper itself has no damage whatsoever:
Source image: The following picture is from the now defunct website Hydro Lance Engineering ( No information about what tornado was responsible:
Fragile wheat stalks were driven through wood during a tornado in Rochester, Olmsted County, Minnesota, on 08/21/1883. The below photograph was taken by J. C. Cook. Again the wheat stalks show no damage, not even bend by the impact:
Source image: Gale Family Library. During the same tornado, a timber (poplar plank) was blown through an oak tree fourteen inches in diameter. Clean cut through:
Source image: Gale Family Library. Plank in tree in Murphysboro, Illinois, March 18, 1925 when a tornado went through that town:
Source image: Pinterest
Source image: National Weather Service
At Nashville, Tennessee, on March 14, 1933, a 2x4-inch timber was plunged through a panel door, without causing the slightest splitting or splintering and fit the opening perfectly. The area of the panel around the plank doesn't even show any indentation or cracks. Another plank, measuring 1x6 inches was forced through the trunk of a sturdy tree, splitting the tree in half. In the picture below: A = a piece of plank driven through a two-and-a-half-inch limb of a Mississippi Hackberry tree. (this is probably due by sheer force and not unusual) B = A two-by-four driven through a door panel without leaving splinters. C = Weatherboarding pierced by a cornstalk.
Source image: National weather Service
In 1896 a wooden plank went straight through steel. Here are two reports of the event: On the long East St. Louis approach to the St. Louis bridge a white pine plank, 2 by 8 inches, was driven into the south side of a steel girder with such velocity that it punched a hole in the web and remained sticking in the girder. (THE TORNADO OF MAY 27, 1896 by Willis L. Moore, Chief of Weather Bureau, Washington Weather Bureau, 1896, page 4) Willis L. Moore, then chief of the U.S. Weather Bureau, visited St. Louis the day after the 1896 tornado and spent much time examining the wreckage. Here is a paragraph from his report: The writer saw a two by four pine scantling [narrow piece of timber] shot through five-eighths [inch] of solid iron on the Eads Bridge, the pine stick protruding several feet through the iron side of the roadway... (The elements rage, the extremes of natural violence by Frank W. Lane, 1966, page 38)
Image source: Futility Closet In this picture you can see the plank that penetrated one of the bridge's steel side panels. It went in at an angle. If it was just the wind that blew to plank, the plank would have easily bounced, or slid along the surface of the steel panel. For the plank to penetrate the steel, the steel must have been softened by some unknown energy. Another historical account: From the house of Mr. Gallops a piece of cottonwood window-frame was carried 100 yards (91 m) to the E. and imbedded so firmly in an elm log that it could not be withdrawn. (The Irvin Tornadoes (of May 30, 1879) in Report on the tornado of May 29 and 30, 1879 in Kansas, Nebraska (1881) by J. P. Finley, page 52.) No matter how hard a window frame would be thrown against a log, it would shatter into pieces. Hurricane Andrew 16 - 28 August, 1992 was a small and ferocious Cape Verde hurricane that wrought unprecedented economic devastation along a path through the northwestern Bahamas, the southern Florida peninsula, and south-central Louisiana. A plank went through a palm tree:
Source of the images : NOAA
A piece of plank went through a steel pole at Eagle Point, Birmingham, Alabama, 2021:
source picture: Champion Tree Service
The 2011 Joplin tornado was a large and devastating multiple-vortex tornado that struck Joplin, Missouri, United States, on the evening of Sunday, May 22, 2011. A Chair from Pizza by Stout Found was embedded in an exterior wall of Academy Sports:
Source image: Imgur The entire chair is intact, no damage. If extreme wind velocity would have hurled the chair against the wall, it would have splintered in many pieces.
A piece of plastic stuck in a steel light pole of the April 2010 tornado that had a damage path of 149 miles. It started near Tallulah, LA, and then continued to Sturgis, MS: Source image: Ross' Blog A vinyl record embedded in a wooden pole. No damage to the record. Although the record is thin, it not sharp like a knife, and the record went into the wood quite a way. The picture is from NOAA Photo Library, but they do not mention date nor place of the tornado:
Not Moved or Not Broken Amid Devastation There are quite a number of reports of fragile objects that were completely unharmed next to totally destroyed items, or objects moved a distance without any damage midst total devastation. It seem that some objects are enveloped in a particular energy field that not only levitates and displaces them, but also protects them from any damage amid the total devastation around them? (as with people and animals) Not Moved Since a vacuum domain is a localized space with boundaries, what happens inside is different from the outside. One assumes that the tornado funnel at the bottom has great wind speeds also responsible for the destruction and lifting of objects and people. However there is a few people have been underneath the funnel where it was calm. Only when the funnel touches the ground, destruction takes place. Here is an example of a lot of activity going on inside the funnel, but nothing underneath. The person underneath was not blown away: Steadily the tornado came on, the end gradually rising above the ground. I could have stood there only a few seconds but so impressed was I with what was going on that it seemed a long time. At last the great shaggy end of the funnel hung directly overhead. Everything was as still as death. There was a strong gassy odor and it seemed that I could not breathe. There was a screaming, hissing sound coming directly from the end of the funnel. I looked up and to my astonishment I saw right up into the heart of the tornado. There was a circular opening in the center of the funnel, about 50 or 100 feet in diameter, and extending straight upward for a distance of at least one half mile, as best I could judge under the circumstances. The walls of this opening were of rotating clouds and the whole was made brilliantly visible by constant flashes of lightning which zigzagged from hide to side. Had it not been for the lightning I could not have seen the opening, not any distance up into it anyway. Around the lower rim of the great vortex small tornadoes were constantly forming and breaking away. These looked like tails as they writhed their way around the end of the funnel. It was these that made the hissing noise. I noticed that the direction of rotation of the great whirl was anticlockwise, but the small twisters rotated both ways, some one way and some another. The opening was entirely hollow except for something which I could not exactly make out, but suppose that it was a detached wind cloud. This thing was in the center and was moving up and down. I had plenty of time to get a good view of the whole thing, inside and out. (Seeing the Inside of a Tornado, By Alonzo A. Justice, Monthly Weather Review, Volume 58: Issue 5, page 205) Two examples of an extremely sharp division between total devastation and unmoved objects just next it: On October 9, 1913, a tornado struck Lebanon, Kansas: "There were many freaks connected with the storm, one of the most curious reported being on the Henry Churchill place, where an apple tree nearly a foot in diameter was torn up by the roots and twisted to pieces, while a beehive within 3 feet of the tree was not even turned over." (The Tornado Of October 9, 1918, At Lebanon, Kansas, by Karl V. Bower, Cooperative Observer) A two-story timber house was taken off with its inhabitants inside and torn to pieces, while a staircase of three stairs that led to the door with a bench leaning against it were not moved at all. The funnel also torn off the wheels of a car standing nearby, but did not move the car itself, while an oil lamp that stood nearby on a table under a tree, was still burning. (Hayes M.W. The tornado of October 9, 1913 at Lebanon, Kansas, Monthly Weather Rev. v. 1913, page 1528) How can extreme winds be contained so sharply, that just a foot or a couple of feet from them it is wind-still? As an illustration of the freaks played by the wind, a large wagon loaded with lumber, which an ordinary gust would be sufficient to overturn, was left standing in the yard uninjured, while the horses hitched to it were torn loose and whisked away. (The great cyclone at St. Louis and East St. Louis, May 27, 1896, by Julian Curzon, page 176)
Not Broken Amid total devastation fragile items that should be shattered, broken or blown away, are just moved to another place unharmed. It is suggestive that a well-defined energy field took hold of these objects and levitated and moved them while shielding them from the devastating winds. April 28, 2014: Coxey/Clements tornado. Ann Pack said several oddities occurred at the home on Log Cabin Road belonging to her son Jimmy and his children. Coke bottles that lined the top of the kitchen cabinets were unmoved and unbroken. Jimmy's dresser was blown through one wall to rest against another wall with a phone still in the charger on its top. Strangest of all, Noah's class ring was on the kitchen counter when he left the house and was found on top of the piano in the living room. "It had to fly out the kitchen door, go left then right to land on the piano," Ann said. Laura V. Wolford of the Office of Climatology of the Weather Bureau in the U. S. Department of Commerce mentions in her Tornado Occurrences in the United States that: On November 10, 1915, during the Great Bend, Kans., tornado, a dresser was splintered, but its mirror was carried some distance and set down unbroken against a fence. At Fergus Falls, Minn., on June 22, 1919, a buffet was moved 2 feet from the wall without breaking a dish, although all other furniture was in splinters and the house so badly damaged, it was unsafe to enter. A similar story is told of the February 1950 tornado which scattered the roof and parts of a Shreveport, La., home over a half-mile area, but left the floor intact on which was a china closet filled with dishes, none broken. Windows intact: Until repairs were commenced, the curious effects of the wind on certain objects was a source of much comment. At 1914 South Broadway, was J. B. Steffen's furniture store, which occupied a three-story brick building on the east side of the street. When the wind struck there it shaved off the entire front wall of the third story, but discriminated at the second. On each side close to the side walls, was a full length window with large panes of glass, one to the sash. All the rest of the front of that floor is gone, but these two windows are still in their places, the frames intact, and the glass not even cracked. The window to the south was evidently opened slightly at the bottom, as the drawn curtain behind it has been stained as if by rain, but otherwise no damage whatever was done to it. (The great cyclone at St. Louis and East St. Louis, May 27, 1896, by Julian Curzon, page 364-365)
Usually there is no more electricity during a tornado's passage due to destruction of electricity poles. Yet, the vacuum domain associated with the tornado can temporarily induce electric current in appliances. According to Dmitirev, inside the vacuum domain's boundaries, gravity waves can be transformed into electromagnetic waves. South Huntsville Tornado: Nov. 15, 1989 When interviewed for a book on tornadoes, Huntsville resident Tara Alt said she left the veil she planned to wear for her wedding the next week in the trunk of her car. She and her father, Emile, were searching through the rubble to find the car when she heard a radio playing. When the two approached the car, they found the in-dash radio had been ripped from the car and was dangling from a rear view mirror. It was no longer attached but Alt said it was still playing. In the YouTube video I mentioned earlier, the person shows that despite the electric power been cut, the ceiling fan which was not moving at all during the passage of the tornado suddenly began to move the moment the tornado had passed. Some tornado researchers have estimated that tornadoes are associated with a steady current of hundreds of Amperes for minutes at a time. This would be hundreds of times more than the electrical output of a thunderstorm. (M. Brook, "Electric Currents Accompanying Tornado Activity," Science, 157, 1434 (Sept. 22, 1967) In Electric Storms and Tornadoes in France on Aug. 18 and 19, 1890, page 349 (article in Science magazine of May 29, 1891), a tornado at Pire created an unusual sight. The violet 'flames' are probably a light manifestation of high voltage discharges, as the smell of ozone was also noted: The odor of ozone was noted at different places. At Reinou a woman tending a cow, grazing in the meadow, saw her enveloped in violet flames. These were so intense that the woman, from fright, covered her face with her handkerchief. A moment later the wind struck down every thing. This seems to be similar to Kirlian photography, where high voltage is used to make the electromagnetic field around fingertips, hands, plant leaves, precious stones etc. visible on photographic plates.
Ball lightning is a rare and (by conventional science) unexplained phenomenon described as luminescent, spherical objects that vary from pea-sized to several meters in diameter. Though usually associated with thunderstorms, it can also appear in calm weather. Some 19th-century reports describe balls that eventually explode and leave behind an odor of sulfur. It has been described as moving up and down, sideways or in unpredictable trajectories, hovering and moving with or against the wind; attracted to, unaffected by, or repelled from buildings, people, cars and other objects. Some accounts describe it as moving through solid masses of wood or metal without effect, while others describe it as destructive and melting or burning those substances. Ball lightning has been described as transparent, translucent, multicolored, evenly lit, radiating flames, filaments or sparks, with shapes that vary between spheres, ovals, tear-drops, rods, or disks. The balls have been reported to disperse in many different ways, such as suddenly vanishing, gradually dissipating, being absorbed into an object, "popping," exploding loudly, or even exploding with force, which is sometimes reported as damaging. Accounts also vary on their alleged danger to humans, from lethal to harmless. Ball lightning is a manifestation of a vacuum domain, as we saw earlier in this article. Many ball lightnings are described as having rotational motion (spin); they levitate as they can move freely about; they have electromagnetic properties; they can pass through any matter.
There are many reports that luminous ball lightning break away from the bottom rims of tornadoes or that they are seen to emerge from the bottom. In Electric Storms and Tornadoes in France on Aug. 18 and 19, 1890, page 304 (article in Science magazine of May 29, 1891), there is mention of a tornado in France, that left holes in windows, presumably made by ball lightning although this not mentioned, or was not seen at the time. However, it corresponds with other reports when ball lightning was seen to make these kind of holes. : At Brissard the hurricane made a passage through the western part of the village, destroying twenty houses. At another point most of the trees lay from south-west to north-east, but there were many, 220 yards from the first, that lay in an opposite direction. Lightning strokes were very rare, because no traces were found upon trees, and no houses were fired. There was a remarkable exception, however, in the Vivien house, built solidly of brick, which had traces of electric discharges. Some window-panes were pierced by circular holes, and these holes had a sharp edge on the outside. ... Lightning strokes were very rare, because no traces were found upon trees, and no houses were fired. There was a remarkable exception, however, in the Vivien house, built solidly of brick, which had traces of electric discharges. Some window-panes were pierced by circular holes, and these holes had a sharp edge on the outside. On the inside the edge had suffered a beginning of fusion, which had rounded it off. By the way, ball lightning does not always make these holes in windows, sometimes it passes right through without doing any damage. From Luminous Phenomena in Nocturnal Tornadoes, Vonnegut, B., and Weyer, James; Science, 153:1213-1220, 1966 (in Handbook of Unusual Natural Phenomena, by William L. Corliss, 1977, page 65): Just after the tornado struck, I was inside of the house looking out, I saw something very bright about the size of a basketball about six feet away from me and about five feet off the ground. It was white, blue and yellow in color and coming slowly toward me. ... at less than the speed a person would walk when it seemed to hit the door, it made the door sound like it was singing. .............. We were shaken up and our trailer along with others was dented badly from hail the size of baseballs. The beautiful electric blue light that was around the tornado was something to see, and balls of orange and lightning came from the cone point of the tornado. The cone or tail of the tornado reminded me of an elephant trunk. It would dip down as if to get food then rise up again as if the trunk of an elephant would put the food in his mouth. While the trunk was up the tornado was not dangerous, just when the point came down is when the damage started. My son and I watched the orange balls of fire roll down the Race Way Park then it lifted and the roof came off one of the horse barns.
Tornado can generate immense electrical activity, of an intensity higher than would be possible under natural circumstances. Lightning strikes associated are normal as they often develop from thunderstorms. However sometimes there are other light phenomena that are extremely bright, and even neon-like. Electrical Activity Associated With The Blackwell-Udall Tornado, by Vonnegut, B., and Moore, C. B.; Journal of Meteorology, 14 : 284-285, 1957 (in Handbook of Unusual Natural Phenomena, by William L. Corliss, 1977, page 67): Eyewitnesses to the tornado in
Blackwell also have reported evidence of intense electrical activity.
Montgomery, who viewed the tornado from a distance of about 3000 ft,
reports: "As the storm was directly east of me, the fire up pear the top
of the funnel looked like a child's Fourth of July pin wheel." "There
were rapidly rotating clouds passing in front of the top of the
funnel. These clouds were illuminated ...As it swung from left to right, it looked like a giant neon tube in the air, ...