What is good for you:
Butter Beef and lamb tallow Lard
Chicken, goose and duck fat Coconut, palm and sesame oils Cold
pressed olive oil Cold pressed flax oil Marine oils
Not good for you:
All hydrogenated oils Soy, corn and
safflower oils Cottonseed oil Canola oil (is made from is
genetically engineered rapeseed, originally only used as lubricating oil
in the industry. It is toxic, and it becomes rancid quickly.
Unfortunately canola oil is now present in a lot of food products, read
the label!)
All fats heated to very high temperatures in
processing and frying I can't go into detail, but basically when the
industry chemically alters the structure of oils (from cis to trans),
changing them into hydrogenated oils , then those oils/fats will be
absorbed by the body just like the natural oils/fats, but their altered
chemical structure will wreak havoc in the cells, leading to a lot of
degenerative diseases. Unsaturated or saturated is not a good
standard by which to judge oils. It is the altering of the chemical
structure that causes problems.