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Arya, the Bird-Headed One

Original text is copyrighted by Jan-Anton van Hoek.

Arya, who helped the righteous to escape the destruction, was indeed the father of all that is human. Not only did he lead the faithful to their salvation, but he also ordered the civilization of the new world, and transferred the ancient knowledge to many areas. He fully knew that that this would be watered down, but also he knew that its essence would remain forever, and never die, at the most it would slumber.
With him a period of spiritual and at the same time worldly emperors were seated in the Mountains Between Both Seas. Arya and his descendants ruled over an ordered empire. The rulers divided the land; they had come as subjects and built on the land as free people. The hordes who voluntarily had traveled with Arya became merchants. The autochthon bloodthirsty wild people were subjugated and since then became the masses of work people, who were well taken care of. The hand of the Emperor brought peace, safety and justice. Up to then the natives were cruel cannibals with characteristics not unlike the hordes from the earlier world that perished.
Arya, the Bird-headed One, walked and conversed with Per. He married Sün, the Warmgilded One. She birthed Soerya, the Goldskinned One. Soerya was the first one of his generation that had a human head.
When Arya had reached old age, he reached for Per and was taken into Him. Soerya then ruled as Lord of the empire between Both Seas.
Soerya civilized the world and he restrained the shocks that were afflicting the earth. He ordered order in the community of the Spirits. He puts his will on them, but only after an evil uprising against him. When the tongues of fire were jumping him, when the suffocating vapors from the crater of discontent of the people were surging, when the spirits of this planet were sneering around Soerya with scorn from all angles, then he stood up with strength and thundering might, his chest expanded by the force of his lungs, with threatening doom in the chaos; "I tell you: I created you all, I Soerya, I am your Lord and God, your priest and your healer, your ordering lord and your justifying lord, your light and your blood. I, Soerya, am the earth and the sun that shines on her! I, Soerya am, where you are just becoming monsters. Do you want to wrestle with Me, your Lord? Must your bony heads be splintered first before you learn to respect and to honor your rightful master? Dare me! Taunt me! Fire and lightning will easily scourge you like a bustle of straw. I am warning you with emphasis: my patience is at an end. From now on there will be order, also in the Nearby Cosmos. I am the sovereign of all of you! You will not escape my power, because my scepter also moves in the Near Cosmos, and there is nothing that is not under my globe. Reflect! There is still time."
The world shriveled. The animals anxiously sought shelter. Everything human crawled away from the wrath of Soerya, the Sun God, whose benevolence was known as much as his strict will.
The Spirits deliberated and finally spoke: " If we ply to your will and let you order us, o Soerya, as everything orders itself to your eye, will you let us be in our rights and let us serve what carries flesh?"
Soerya answered: "Thus it will be."
Then the Spirits subjugated themselves, and Soerya, the Lord ordered the Nearby Cosmos.
Soerya, the Sun God, the Lord, ordered the All and said: "That all beings take their place: The Gods each in their Heaven, the Demons in their great spheres, the Illuminated spread over the All, the Great-Servant-Friend-Spirits in the Nearby Cosmos, the Spirits of trees, lakes, woods, clouds and deserts and all other places each in their living quarters, the animals in their nature, the plants and vegetation in their humid-breath, man in their work; in short that all beings take their place!"
He took a deep breath, and fragrances arose, and he spoke: "Thus everybody will fulfill his task to support the All, for everybody and for himself and everything will be fine as long as the order will not be disturbed. But as soon as one being claims the right of being unique - be it a God, a Demon, an Enlightened One, a Great-Servant-Friend-Spirit, a Spirit, a man or who else - then the balance will be disturbed and disasters will follow. These disasters will be a call to return to the Order. When this Call is not understood, the disasters will become bigger and bigger and more irreparable, and in quicker succession, until also this earth will perish and splinter."
Soerya shouted from his height: "I advise you: hold yourself to the law and keep to the ordering! I am advising that especially to the human. How strong is the tendency in you to exploit. Think about it: the apparent weak might once retaliate; and that the blessing of Per and of the Gods does not rest solely with humans but also with other beings in the All with or without a body. Therefore, man, you must honor the Spirits, abide by the law and the Holy executers thereof!"

Having ordered the All in this manner, Soerya connected himself with Tę-Khâmi, daughter of P'gama, the Human. With her he had a child, Tsj'rami, the Golden Daughter; and after her he had Noer who ruled after Soerya and who was the forefather of all lords.
Soerya gave mankind, who were now his subordinates, the ability to speak to Per. He set their language to tones. He taught them the art of building diverging walls, but also inclining walls, in order for his temples to point heavenwards and to be many fathoms high, dressed with porphyry and red stone, brilliant in the sun who was Soerya's disk.
He also taught them the art of wet rice plantation. He taught the priests of this new empire the teaching of feeding: " Do not kill to eat, for yourself not to be killed for food. Honor especially the five Gifts: grains for brewing and for bread, olives for fat and refreshment, the blessed long pepper for piousness and stimulation, grapes for power of action and comforting slumber."
Having said this, he prepared a meal for the priests. Soerya set the table with bear and round bread, refreshing and feeding them. He gave them Holy olives, so they became brisk and nothing was short for them. He gave them contused peppers and all what was in their bodies awoke. He gave them figs and they became reflective and strong. He served them wine, and they went into action - and when the dish was full of their action - they sat together peacefully.
After having given all these gifts, Soerya spoke: " Look: I have brought forth a son, who, like my father, like me, and like his offspring, will be named Arya, and who will be your lord, the Lord of the law for this earth, as I am the Lord of the law for the Nearby Cosmos."
Everybody showed obedience to Noer, who then received the Insignia from his father. Soerya however put on a hemp habit, turned around and went into the mountains, where he took the arm of Per and was taken into Him.
Noer, who ruled after Soerya, ordered hereditary succession and justice. For humans he made the eternal law of the groups of people, who he ordered to life with each other in an orderly and sensible way, for everybody to live in fulfilled and satisfying way in his fitting environment. Noticing that his people were healthy and happy, he said: "My father Soerya gave you place and well-being and he is still sending his rays over you. He organized your existence so that the earth might sustain you and so that you may multiply. This is a good thing because the world needs to be domesticated. But look: "we, who are already known as the People Between Both Seas, are more numerous than ever before and this land will not be able to continue to feed us. Therefore: Go and take more land into possession, in all directions, and bring it my law and those of my ancestors, so order and fertility may sprout in those areas."
Thus they left, the generals Kroen, Bártoe and Hall. Kroen made a wagon with swords at the wheels, and ordered the carpenters of the empire: Thus Kroen the General, in the name of Arya, orders: build this in great numbers for my man to fight!"
Bártoe ordered the blacksmiths: "Forge me, Bártoe the General, in name of Arya, plates, coats of mail and bracelets of bronze for all my men to wear for them to fight!"
Hall ordered the archers: "Hall the General, in name of Arya, orders: make me heavy bows to hold with the foot for my men to fight!"
The generals took possession of vast lands for the empire, south of the Land Between the Two Seas. They civilized them and after many years they finally returned to the capital city, where Noer received them as triumphant victors.
Being assured of the tributes which would flow to him from the Land of Both Rivers each year -as was the new territory called from now on -, the emperor made offerings to his ancestors and to the Gods, and gave thanks to the good Spirits.
Standing on the white steps of his palace, he spoke: "Listen to me, O people of Rulers, O freemen, O tradesmen, O subjects: I am your Emperor and your Lord, Noer, sprouted from Soerya and descendent of Arya, the Liberator, the Man! I have kept the blood pure. Behold next to me my Ruler Tsj'rami and my sons from her loins. Truly, the Heavenly have been with us, and they have blessed this land with rich fields and many slaves in the south. All this is at our feet, and it will suffice for as long as it will feed us. I have giving you justice and I have made you fertile. Per does indeed look upon us with a friendly eye!
I now order that the elements of the Empire be divided. The fighters will form an iron wall against evil and jealousy. Therefore they will a separate element, always being led by me, by me who from now on will be called Arya. Thus all rulers after me will be called Arya. I will be and remain your supreme high priest, leading the servants of our Gods. The priests also will form their own element. This will also apply for the judges, the gentleman-farmers, the artists and the officeholders. I will remain the leader of all these elements, and , as Arya, being both responsible and immune."
Starting with Noer, Arya became the title of the Emperor, and would remain that way. Many rulers would be known only by that name Arya, because their own name was not big enough to be placed next to the one of Arya.
Noer, who was great and unfathomable deep in the depths of his spirit, spoke to Per and with Arya and with Soerya, and his knowledge grew into the immeasurable. Thus most of the wise men in the empire and from the subjugated territories stirred the point of their tongue respectfully when his name was pronounced. Having aged, Noer retreated into a pavilion in one of his parks, and connected only with Per, with the elf Sjíoer and with the magician Bran-Lagoewho was favorable to Arya.
Then Noer, the Emperor, wrote the Book of Spirits, also this was shown to me. This will also be shown in this volume. Because only a few, Rudolf, know the Book, and most of them known it only partially, not surprisingly, because the Book of Spirits was one of the many taboos of the old World Year. It has to be opened now, still being guarded, in order for only a Person Who Understands to penetrate the depth and the meaning of it. But in this chapter we will put it aside, because there is a time for everything, and without any preparation one can not rewrite or reread.
Noer, having become old and white of hair, went to Per, leaving his throne to his son Goedân, who ruled for thirty-three years as the fourth holy Arya. He gave his priests a rope, saying: "This rope is the string of Pity, in order for you to be able to converse with Soerya, and with Per who rules over the All. This ropes also distinguishes you from everybody else, because you are bearers of the Eternal and you will carry this name through all eras. This Goedân desires, who is the Arya, don't take more than your measure, keep your blood clean and carry the insignia on your forehead; carry this rope and cloth yourself in clean cloths, so that no impurity may touch you. May impurity not only be far from your spirit, but also from your blood and body."
Goedân, instead of sending his fighters over the whole world to conquer more territories for the ever increasing population, brought most clever resourcefulness in the development of providing food. He left the sword in the scabbard, and he would be the last peace lord (although later there were some rebellions that needed to be put into submission). So many rulers after him would be peaceful, but there always were interior or exterior restless situations that needed a forceful intervention, or they were wiped away from their throne.
During the reign of Goedân strength and quickness were necessary, but the unsoiled blood of Arya was still holy, and it was still felt as such and respected.
By this the authority of the emperor was an indisputable fact. The strict modesty and the personal integrity of Arya guaranteed this.
Arya led a life of uninterrupted fulfillment of his responsibility, filling the empty hours with reflections and fine arts. Goedân ordered the twelve Tones, each of them connected to a month and thus arranged in relation to the sun which -in Soerya- was his forefather. When he, seated in his Pavilion of Happiness, touched the strings of his zither, the stars became moved, and over his shoulder The Spirits watched and listened, or they danced quietly around the gleam of the White Emperor, as Goedân was called because of his snow white hair, his clothing and the light that was around him.
The weaving of the sounds of his zither charmed the atmosphere and melted with the tones of nature. It drifted on and disappeared into far distances. Elves and kobolds would stop their reflections and frolics, and listened with joy how Goedân took the spheres in his hands and let them glide through his hands like flowers, sometimes like drops of water, and then again it sounded as if he waves his hand through the mist. Goedân knew how to make sounds and smells to become one, and many butterfly woke up during the night and looked for honey in his sweet appearance.
Other animals too stopped what they were doing, and often one could watch contradictory and hostile (to each other) animals stop their fighting, as they became charmed by the holy sounds of the zither.
The empire of the White Emperor has been the supreme civilization. It has never been equaled and cannot be equaled anymore, at least not on this earth sphere. When his body started to break down Goedân went to Per to be with Him, and let the throne behind for a new emperor.
Goedân was the last immortal Arya. The ones who rule after him could not take Per's hand anymore; they had to undergo a physical, bodily death.
Goedân was also the last World Emperor, walking in Per's light, connected to the immortals, being immortal himself; also being the last of the great legislators, the last All-ruler, All-teacher, All-father, to whom mankind longed for during the entire past World Year.
Goedân left behind an ideal civilization in which even the slaves were happy. A civilization in which everybody, with no exceptions, could enjoy certainty, justice and also spiritual light, light from nature. As this light quickly faded away, religions arose. During the reign of the White Emperor there was only Service to the Gods. When this was not enough anymore, the world perished, first slowly, then quicker, into a grotesque growing madness.
It makes one melancholic to look back on the period of the four White Emperors -the empire of Arya. What else followed after this Empire than growing perversion? It was destined that the White Emperor would be the last world ruler. He would also be the one to whom the Understanding Person could turn to in order not to loose contact with the High. This was so notwithstanding that the powers who were derived from one power, the Emperor, thus far, were now dividing into authorities who believed themselves to be self competent: government power, religion by priesthood, and so on.
By itself this division may not look bad, but in reality it led to rivalry between institutions. For example, government led to extortion and religion to superstition and trickery.
Intelligent exploitation of the soil led to overcropping and exhaustion of the soil. The ordering of civilization degenerated into a system of brutal exploitation. Happiness in the empire was gone within a couple of generations. It fell prey to an interior power struggle, while the Land Between Both Rivers broke away and uncivilized people endangered the limits of the central empire.
During the rule of emperor Hoetan the great dissolution took place. Hoetan, endangered in his capital city, left with his faithful people, crossed the mountains of the north and conquered the land of Fire and Ice, here at last accompanied by the core of his fighters: the most brave and hardiest ones. He became the Lord of the Wind and the Mountains, the titanic God of the Blond People.
Hoetan! the violent one, forefather of the Nordic elite, dramatic interpreter of the primal force of nature, heroism and aristocracy of the soul, still in the zenith of all what may be called northern royalty. Hoetan; a pale memory? Is he not reborn in you, Rudolf, and in me? Since we woke up after the twilight of the Gods, Hod and Baldr, both of us are now seeing and being mild of radiation, sharing his heroic throne, the present throne of the Spirit.
Later on we will talk about the other stream of Aryan people, as the people from the Land Between the Two Seas from now on were called, the other stream that went eastwards. Now we will speak of Hoetan's Empire, gathered together by his fist from unruly woods and opposing stones. Hoetan, who called himself Asa, subjugated the autochthones in the realm of Fire and Ice. He gave them his law and his writing, and the signs of the Sun, saying that his empire would last till the twilight of the cosmic day. Then he, like a forest giant, would have been killed by a bronze ax.
He allied with the Vana, The Spirits of the land. Blessed by the White Emperor with whom he was able to converse, after his bodily death he brought about a joining of his spirit force and with the highest of his followers at one side and with the Vana at the other side.
Far from being a civilized country, the Empire of Asa was built on violence and authority, but also on honesty and a strong contact with nature and with the High. There was no imperial majesty. This northern Primal Empire was rather one of glory of power, uncompassionate as fire, but also purifying. Nevertheless the empire splintered soon: military and tribal leaders made themselves into independent kings; tribal bands choose lawlessness. This did not diminish the deep respect Hoetan and his entourage had: for example Goendar, the Red Thunder Cloud, became patron of the farmers; Oengęr would later be called the King of the World; Boeran, the Lord of the wood elves - how many are there?
Just as much as we do not want to discuss modern religion, we will the same with the system of the Ancients: this is not a study in mythology. I must write what I perceive with my senses and especially with my spirit. It is irrelevant if this corresponds with what already has been written because for the truth is not important if it corresponds or not with established conceptions. For the light it doesn't matter what the conceptions are of what it illumines. Apparent refutations, distortions, misuse or changing words does not change anything. If by earthy writing or from earthy mouth a message had reached me, I would not have written it down: these beings are too far away from the depth of essence, even if they do their best. About the clerical who wants to flog us the divine, we better keep quiet. He who can smell would be seized by stench!
Thus we take distance of all forms of pedantry. It is completely unimportant for the cosmos if a detail was written down in one way or another. The same is actually true for what is considered the main points, Are there main points? How much imagination, how much repressed fears, how much delusion determines what is a "main point"? Let us limit. O Rudolf, to write down what has come to us by all penetrating insight, and let others decide what is useful to them.

[Note of translator: now follows a section which is an interlude of extreme poetic text about Jan-Anton van Hoek and his relationship with his spirit brother Rudolf during the period of western Aryans, that even in Dutch is difficult to comprehend, and is too difficult to translate. difficult to translate. So I am skipping this section and go to the next and final one.]

The emigration of the eastern Arya has been subject, in historic terms, of many essays, which partly are untrue, because they are supported on historic data, without any cosmic consistency. Scientific certainty, does not mean something it is the incontestable truth, and many untouchable things will never be written down. As the Erian people were sons of one Old World thus there were also descendants of other old worlds. For example the people of the Yellow Emperor, the people of the fertile Delta, the sacrificers of Heart and Skin, those who lived in the Icy Heights, and therefore more impulses of civilizations on this earth which must have been favorable for many emigrants from elsewhere. Add these imperious people to the autochthones who are always and everywhere present, then one sees the rise of ordered civilizations which partly were in conflict with the Arian people, like in the land of the Indus and Ganges - but partly also cooperated and joined together.
As the empires of Western Arya declined their religious teachings were destroyed. All this has been a long time. Although the civilizations disappeared, the spirit remained all these ages until a new World Year would rise. Then the Spirit of Arya, Soerya, Noer and Goedân, the White Emperor, the spirit of the Nearby Cosmos and also of the Somewhat Further Cosmos will start to spark again, when the false religions will have lost their power and when the false leaders and deceivers of the masses would throw up like a sulfur spring.
The White Emperor told me that water will be poured by the Four Holy Emperor Spirits on the heat of the glow in which mankind would be roasted. All around me I see the word fulfilled of cosmic Sovereign: the chaos; the distortions in the general spiritual life; the desperate drowning efforts of false religions; the rebellions, the reign of terror of demagogues and the horde of their followers.
Thus indeed the new World Year starts! With the ill inheritance of the previous one: the senseless destruction, as if mankind wants to burn all ships behind him, in order to be able to surrender even more unbridled to his destruction.
Also, the Spirits will take their power again. The nature spirits too are preparing their revenge without ceasing; revenge because their destroyed living quarters, revenge without actual hate, revenge as a cosmic inevitable law. What always used to be deceit will not longer "help": "Repent before it is too late!" It is already too late. The old World Year is gone, unused, spoiled, as humans do squander everything. The only remaining thing is the vague possibility that the next World Year, depending how long this will last for this earth, will be lived in dignity. For this one must first read the Book of Spirits, because They are the ones that will determine the future.