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All the texts mentioned below are available in one PDF file. You might want to download this file to your computer, as it totals up to 58 pages. It is going to take you some time to read through it all.


Many years ago I found a very interesting (Dutch) book called "Tekenen uit de Nabije Kosmos" which literally translates as " Signs from the Nearby Cosmos". It is collection of writings from a man, Jan-Anton van Hoek (1936-2021)  (in The Netherlands), who was a gifted psychic or visionary and has received information from a previous world civilization, along with other interesting spiritual information. It is important to keep in mind that he writes from what he spiritually sees, hears and remembers. It is a book that stands out. He writes from a spiritual level, with full mastery of the Dutch language. In my opinion it is a work of high quality, but not always easy to read for mainstream readers, as some spiritual background is required to understand many of the concepts. Some of the sentences are a bit awkward, and I have kept it this way with the translation, in order to keep his literary style. I have hyperlinked certain terms for easy reference. The explanation of these terms can be found below this page.
Signs from the Nearby Cosmos is a collection of texts. Aside from a few personal comments, his own personal memories from these ancients times, and visions, these texts are actually "cosmogenic" texts, as he calls them.
What are "cosmogenic" texts? Jan-Anton van Hoek tells us that he is able to contact those texts as they exist in the cosmos. Maybe one could say that they still exist in the Akashic Records. He is able to hear them in their "cosmogenic" state, or sound state. He says: "I have tried to change as little as possible to the stylistic style of the cosmogenic texts. Their final form is as authentic as it is possible, without making it incomprehensible. For example the following phonetic sounds "Fr'ts rm-rm al neio" will mean nothing to the ordinary person. Fr'ts means unpleasant-shrill; the growl sounds rm-rm indicate chaos, and neio means new. Thus this the sentence translates as "chaotic new Universe"." He calls it a psychotranslation which does not happen consciously.


Signs from the Nearby Cosmos is an important collection of texts for the spiritual seeker. The present chaotic time deemed it necessary to translate the most important texts. You will have to read with both your physical and your spiritual eyes. They are meant to transform you.
I should mention here that the period of the events described is a long time ago. How long? In one text Jan-Anton mentions that Hoetan, the emperor who came after the reign of the four Immortal Emperors, existed more than six thousand years ago. He says that it wasn't possible to date the Civilization of the Four Emperors or where exactly it took place. I personally think that their Empire must have been in the vicinity of present-day India, judging from the many Indian sounding names, and that part of the people emigrated north and west, becoming the Aryan people of Northern Europe. Jan-Anton says that many of the issues in the texts corresponds partly with lost civilizations of Altantis, Mu etc. (this is at least 12,000 years ago). "The history of these civilizations is a mixture of first: the culture of Perk'oedagh, second: the one of the Old Empire of Arya and third: of many other civilizations that came and went." This also does not exclude many other civilizations that existed even before those.
One should keep in mind that from several esoteric sources we know that this Earth had seen many emigrants from other planets, establishing civilizations all over the globe since the beginning of the planet. The texts you will read here give the account of one of these civilizations. The most important aspect however is the spiritual message it carries.

I have added a few notes which are between square brackets[].

I did leave out some sections of the book:

  • Three pages in the text of Arya, an interlude of extreme poetic text about Jan-Anton van Hoek and his relationship with his spirit brother Rudolf during the period of western Aryans, that even in Dutch is difficult to comprehend, and is too difficult to translate.

  • The Law of Arya: a text explaining the imperial laws of Emperor Noer.

  • The Twelve Songs of the White Emperor: poetry impossible to translate.

  • The Signs of Hoetan: who gave the natives of the land of Fire and Ice a kind of rune script, that might have evolved in the later norther runes. With possible explanations for certain rune signs, and some history.

  • The Twelve Songs of the Sun: originally made by certain spirits, and not to be understood literally, but psychic awareness.


Explanation of Terms:

The old World Year and the new World Year: The old World Year has just ended and the new World Year has just started. These terms refer to a cycle of time, and the transition of one into another. Many values of the old World Year are ceasing to be valid, and are transforming into new values proper to the the new World Year with its changing and transforming consciousness. For example, established religious systems will disappear and man will rely more on his own inner spirituality.
Rudolf: Jan-Anton van Hoek sometimes mentions Rudolf, sometimes calling him his brother. From what I can gather, Rudolf seems to presently be in the spirit world, appearing in Jan-Anton's visions and relaying information. Apparently Rudolf and Jan-Anton seem to have been close friends since time immemorial.
Per refers to the Divine. It is not personified, it is beyond the All. In Per we are all the same, in Per we all share our being. Per is the goal of our evolution. It is the ultimate we can achieve.
The dhagh means world/planet and refers to the planet of Perk'oedhagh. The last survivors of its destruction came to Earth, established an empire and civilized the people.
The Cikivani (singular: cikivan) were light emperors (connected with the spiritual world and with the Divine) and thus in flesh incarnated Gods.

The Mūghal and the Bird-headed One: these beings have bird-head like appearance: the Mūghal and Tēas'hir, the Bird-headed One, who would later call himself Arya. From what I can gather from the sparse information in the texts of Jan-Anton van Hoek, the Mūghal are like bird-like humanoid beings. They were intelligent and were loyal to the emperors on the planet Perk'oedhagh. The head must have been predominantly bird like, while the rest of the body might have been more human like. Click here for more information about bird headed beings.
The vaja were the aristocracy of Perk'oedhagh. They ruled in the provinces.
A marl is the term for magician.
The Nearby Cosmos means the spirit world, as it is understood in shamanism, or the spiritual worlds in general.
Demons in the texts of van Hoek are a class of highly spiritual, close to the Divine, and very powerful beings. More can be found in the Book of Spirits.
The All is a term used to encompass all world, physical and spiritual, including the beings who inhabit these worlds or spheres. The four Immortal Emperors were beings who had control over the All, that is, over all these worlds.
The four Immortal Emperors: These are the first four emperors from the civilization that came to earth from the planet Perk'oedagh. They were exceptionally, spiritually evolved, wise beings who were familiar with both the material and the spiritual worlds (in this book called the Nearby Cosmos), and had a direct connection with the Divine (here called Per). They were thus called World Rulers. They did not die a physical death; they were able to transform themselves directly into the Divine.
The four Immortal Emperors were:
1. Arya, the Bird-headed One (formerly called Tēas'hir)
2. Soerya, Lord of the Law for the Nearby Cosmos
3. Noer, Lord of the Law for the Earth
4. Goedān, the White Emperor
Hoetan was the first mortal emperor who ruled after Goedān.


Here are the chapters:

Meeting in Ancient Spaces

How people on another planet destroyed themselves and those that escaped to a new world, our planet Earth. 


The account of the rule of the four Immortal Emperors in their Empire Between Both Seas.

The Book of Spirits

The Book of Spirits as it was written by one of the first immortal emperors on Earth. It is a description of different kinds of nature spirits and other spirits.

On the Threshold

A collection of visions regarding demons, giants and an elf.

The Germanic Book of the Dead

This highly spiritual text is about the transitory human life and body, and the right attitude towards it.

The King of the Earth

Short but important text about a being largely forgotten.

The Book I

A text written by the White Emperor, explaining the spiritual essence of man.

Reflections on the old and new World Year

The necessity of changing the spiritual values with the end of the an old cycle of time and the beginning of new time cycle.


The Grail

This is an additional manuscript that never made it in book form. This text gives the account of the White Emperor who made the Grail and threw it into the spiritual world where it still rests and can be contacted by anyone who wishes to. The text has a spiritual depth more rich than the apparent words, for those who have eyes to see.