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Notes about Wéris

(1) One wonders why prehistoric people with only stone tools would cut a slanting stone column out of a hill top. I would be much easier to cut the stone first and then erect it on top of the hill, unless it was done by an older civilization who had the technology with which they easily could perform such a task. When one limits his view to the area under investigation, such an idea might look silly, but with archeology one needs to look to similar features elsewhere in the world. Many years after visiting Weris I found a couple of impressive pictures of artificially flattened hill tops and mountain tops, hundreds of times larger than the one of Weris. They are found in the Palpa region of Peru, about ten minutes flight away from the famous Nazca region. Those mountain tops are flat as a table and contrast sharply with the normal mountains tops around them. The pictures can be found in the book "Arrival of the Gods", by Erich Von Daniken. He is a controversial figure and he did a lot of guess work. However he has the merit of bringing the strange features those sites into the spotlight. Archeologists will never make the unexplainable features public because they don't fit in with their theories, and they cannot handle the possibility of a highly evolved and technological civilization in the remote past.

(2) There used to be a lot of Little People in Belgium and Holland, but according to several legends they all left when the Church started to come down on them. Nowadays the Little People are thought to only exist in fairy tales, but evidence suggests that they once lived on the surface among humans. In later times they went underground because they were often mistreated, although they were still helping humans. We find stories of Little People all over the world, in every culture. There seem to have been different races of human beings which were even smaller than the pygmies in Africa. In my early twenties I visited the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland. One of the members had organized a bus tour to visit megalithic sites. Megalithic sites in England and Scotland are well preserved and many sites are protected by the government. In one remote stone circle, I was surprised to find one small stone among the other tall stones. All the standing stones were about 5-6 feet tall, but one was only 2 feet tall, although it had the same thickness as the other stones. I had never seen this in a stone circle, and wondered why the builders had deviated in the size of this stone. When I went around the circle feeling the energy of the stones, I felt that in ancient times, a man or woman would stand with its back to one of the stones, facing the interior of the circle. When I came to the little stone I strongly felt that this was the place for one of the Little People, yes, a physical being of a Little People’s race. This must have been in very old times when they were still living freely among humans.
Physical remains of the Little People have been found, but as usual totally ignored by scientists. The best case is the one of Pedro, the Mountain Mummy.

 pedro mummy

In 1932 two men, Cecil Main and Frank Carr, spent a few weeks digging for gold in the San Pedro Mountains of Wyoming. After working a rich vein which seemed to keep continuing into the rock, they decided to use dynamite to blast a huge section of the mountainside off and save some time getting at more of the gold. After the dust from the blast cleared, they found that the rock face they had been chipping into led to a small cavern about 15 feet long and 4 feet high (4.5m x 1.2m). It had been totally sealed off from the outside world by a thick wall of rock, with no visible entrance or even small crack leading into it. Inside this cavern was a small ledge on which a pixie-like creature sat, cross-legged. It turned out to be a tiny mummy about 7 " high (18 cm) with a total height of 14" (35 cm). It's face looked like an old man's. It had a flat head, huge, heavy-lidded eyes and a very wide mouth. It was so well preserved that the finger nails could still be seen on the hands. It gets stranger - the top of it's head was covered in a dark jelly-like substance. The prospectors carefully took their find to the huge town of Caspar, Wyoming where many prominent scientists, sure of a hoax, came from all over the US to have a look at it. Dr. Henry Shapiro, an anthropologist from the American Museum of Natural History set up extensive tests, assuming it would show some type of doll or pieced-together work of taxidermy. Instead the X-rays showed that Pedro had inside him a perfectly formed manlike skeleton with a complete set of human-like ribs. Also shown was a damaged spine, a broken collarbone and that the skull had been smashed by a heavy blow. It seems Pedro had met with a violent death. The gelatinous substance on his head was exposed brain tissue and congealed blood. The fontanels - the soft spots in the skull which mesh to a solid plates as a baby matures to childhood - were closed, proving that this had indeed been a full grown adult. Pedro had a full set of adult teeth but the odd difference overly pointed canines teeth. The overall estimate was that the being had been about 65 years old at the time of death and dated 'far back into history'. Sometime in the 1950s, Pedro vanished after one of his owners died, and his location today is still unknown. The Shoshone Nation of Wyoming have legends of the Nimerigar, a small race of people who it is said would attack them with tiny bows and poisoned arrows. It was also said they used to kill their own kind with a blow to the head when they became too ill to be a useful and active part of society anymore. The questions I didn't find answers to seem to be the same ones that didn't get answered back in 1932, either - how did Pedro get into a totally sealed cave in solid rock -which would have taken tens of thousands of years to seal - and why was the top of the head moist and 'gelatinous' yet after all those many, many MANY years?
Large numbers of skeletons of Little people, only three to four feet tall, have been found nearby Cochocton, Ohio, and in Coffee County in Tennessee. Both quotes are taken from Ancient Man, a Handbook of Puzzling Artifacts, William R. Corliss, Sourcebook Project, 1978. The first source this book quotes from is the Gentlemen's Magazine: "A short distance from Cochocton, Ohio, U.S., a singular ancient burying-ground has lately been discovered. "It is situated," says a writer in Silliman's Journal, "on one of those elevated, gravelly alluvions, so common on the rivers of the West. Finding remains of wood, still apparent in the earth around the bones, it seems the bodies were all deposited in coffins. Most curious is the fact that the bodies buried there were generally not more than than three to four and a half feet in length. They are very numerous, and must have been tenants of a considerable city, or their numbers could not have been so great. A large number of graves have been opened, all are of this pygmy race. No metallic utensils have yet been found to throw light on the period or the nation to which they belonged". The second source was taken from the Anthropological Institute, Journal, 6:100, 1876: "An ancient graveyard of vast proportions has been found in Coffee county. It is similar to those found in White county and other places in middle Tennessee, but it vastly more extensive, and shows that the race of pygmies who once inhabited this country were very numerous. The same peculiarities of position observed in White county graves are found in these. The writer of the letter says: "Some considerable excitement and curiosity took place a few days since, near Hillsboro, Coffee County, on James Brown's farm. A man was ploughing in a field which had been cultivated many years, and ploughed up a man's skull and other bones. After making further examination they found that they were about six acres of graveyard. They were buried in a sitting or standing position. The bones show that they were a dwarf tribe of people, about three feet high. It is estimated that there were 75,000 to 100,000 buried there. This shows that this country was inhabited hundreds of years ago."

(3) A little word about the equinox and solstice lines. Because the earth axis is tilted in relation to its path around the sun, the sun goes up and under on different locations on the horizon every day. On the equinox nights, when might and day are equally long, this is on 22 March and 22 September, the sun rises up exactly in the geographic East and goes under exactly in the geographic West. The horizontal line between those two points is the equinox line. The perpendicular line on this equinox line is the solstice line and determines geographic North and South. As the days lengthen the point of sun rise deviates from the equinox line towards the North. When the days shorten this point goes to the South. The maximum deviation is on 21 June and 21 December. These are the solstitia. The deviation is also dependent on the latitude of the observation post, it increases as one moves to the equator.

(4) The construction of megalithic sites is a wonder by itself. Aside from the astronomical alignments in the landscape, there is also the question of heavy blocks of stone, often many tons each, which had to be put in the right position. The upright stones at Stonehenge range up to 30 feet in height, and the builders had to hoist huge slabs, up to 12 tons each, above the pairs of uprights and then lower them into place with enough precision that the mortised notches on the undersides of the capstones locked over the stone tenons atop the uprights. Also take into account that all this building had to be very precise in three dimensions, because Stonehenge was an astronomical observation post. The Grand Menhir of Locmariaquer was originally 65 to 70 feet long and weighted 380 tons! At a point in time it fell down but you can still see the pieces. How do you move a 380 ton menhir and put it upright?

Nan Mandol basalt columns

 There are other constructions in the world that suggest an ancient technological civilization. At Nan Madol, a small island complex in Micronesia, some 400,000 columns of basalt are stacked, around 10 tons each. Nan Madol is a strange stone architecture built up on a coral reef. They are actually 80 artificially built islands.
(5) Every year more information is being discovered that applies astronomical data to archeological remains. This has developed into a side-discipline called archeo-astronomy, or astro-archeology. With modern technology, especially aerial photography, new features are revealed that normally are hidden at ground level. The practice is not yet widespread but some recent publications stimulate increasing interest, despite the resistance of "orthodox" archeologists who remain bound in their own narrow fields of research. Most archeologists do not know anything about astronomy, and refuse to believe that the ancients could have had advanced astronomical knowledge and could have incorporated this knowledge in their buildings. Furthermore astronomical alignments of many antiquities scattered over the world indicate remarkable similarities in the understanding of astronomical data. It all points to a global intelligent civilization in remote times (12,000 and more years ago).

(6) Frank Joseph - “Ancient American”: "In the waters around Okinawa and beyond to the small island of Yonaguni, divers located eight separate locations beginning in March 1995.

Yonaguni underwater pyramid

That first sighting was equivocal - a provocative, squared structure, so encrusted with coral that its man-made identity was uncertain. Then, as recently as the summer of 1996, a sports diver accidentally discovered a huge, angular platform about 40 feet below the surface, off the southwestern shore of Okinawa. The feature’s artificial provenance was beyond question. Widening their search, teams of more divers found another, different monument nearby. Then another, and another. They beheld long streets, grand boulevards, majestic staircases, magnificent archways, enormous blocks of perfectly cut and fitted stone - all harmoniously welded together in a linear architecture unlike anything they had ever seen before.
In the following weeks and months, Japan’s archaeological community joined the feeding-frenzy of discovery. Trained professionals formed a healthy alliance with the enthusiasts who first made the find. In a progressive spirit of mutual respect an working alliance, academics and amateurs joined forces to set an example of cooperation for the rest of the world. Their common cause soon bore rich fruit. In September, not far from the shore of the island of Yonaguni, more then 300 airline miles south from Okinawa, they found a gigantic, pyramidal structure in 100 feet of water. In what appeared to be a ceremonial center of broad promenades and flanking pylons, the gargantuan building measures 240 feet long.
Exceptionally clear sub-surface clarity, with 100 foot visibility a common factor, allowed for thorough photographic documentation, both still photography and video. " More pictures can be found on the internet.