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The Grail

Note from the translator] The Grail texts by Jan-Anton van Hoek, is not part of his book "Tekenen uit de Nabije Kosmos" (Signs from the Nearby Cosmos). It is an unpublished text.

As the Grail is getting renewed interest, I am giving a more lengthy introduction to this text of van Hoek.
While opinions vary as to the original inspiration for the idea of a Holy Grail, it is widely accepted that a grail, or graal in old French, (serving dish or bowl) first appears in a work of medieval French literature, Perceval, le Conte du Graal (The Story of the Grail), written in the late 12th century by the poet Chrétien de Troyes. Here a young knight marvels at a radiant dish emanating light that he sees as part of a procession at a king’s banquet. Awed into silence, the knight fails to ask about the stunning object, but later meets a hermit who explains that the dish holds a single Mass wafer that keeps the crippled father of the king alive.
Not much later, in the early 13th century, Robert de Boron writes a grail story called Joseph d’ Arimathie (Joseph of Arimathea). This is the first explicit depiction of the grail as the chalice or cup used by Jesus at the Last Supper. In the story Joseph uses the chalice to catch drops of Christ’s blood as he is preparing his burial. When Joseph is imprisoned, the legend says that the grail helps keep him alive and his descendants eventually bring the revered chalice to the West, where it becomes the fabled object of knights’ quests.
Other texts described the Grail as a chalice, a stone, an emerald.
Where the idea of a Holy Grail originates has long been the subject of debate and varied theories. Many scholars believe the notion of a grail imbued with magical qualities comes from a pagan Celtic legend that told of a cauldron of plenty, or vessel, that was a source of endless nourishment and regeneration. The Celts came from a group of immigrants called the Battle-Axe folks. They immigrated into Europe from the steppe lands of Southern Russia. As you will read in the texts of Jan-Anton van Hoek many geographic names sound very Indian, India being south of Russia. Steppe lands are also mentioned. However the time period in his texts is more than six thousand years ago, when the Grail was created.
It is important to know that Jan-Anton van Hoek wrote these texts down as he heard them in a
cosmogenic way. One could also say that these texts exists in the Akashic records of the Earth. The texts were probably once books written down about events that actually happened but slightly changed into a myth also. It is important when reading these texts to keep this in mind. Also important is to be aware that the physical and the etheric or spiritual world are not two separate worlds. They are both in the here-and-now and interpenetrate each other. The etheric world is a world of energy forms and beings who create and maintain the physical world. When we read that the Grail was thrown into the ether and is still there, we need to understand that the Grail can be contacted by everyone with vision. As the forms in the spiritual world change according to the seeker's belief system, the Grail may appear to him differently than to another person. Thus many Grail stories have formed, and they are all true. As a spiritual seeker you must understand the nature of the world(s), the creative energies and the nature of man. Only then you will understand that the different Grail stories are not conflicting.
Original text is copyrighted by Jan-Anton van Hoek.


The Grail

Pagan primordial myth of a solar symbol

by Jan-Anton van Hoek, 1983

The Throwing of the Grail

The Disappearance of the Grail is the subject of the following essay. It details the throwing away of the holy Chalice by the White Emperor, and the finding of the Grail by one of his successors who provided the Grail with a lid. Hereafter the Chalice remained in possession of the line of Emperors, until Hoetan threw away the Grail again, but now inscribed with runes.
The White Emperor created the Grail and pondered the future of the Chalice, knowing that it had to be thrown into the Universe in order for the Grail to do its work. Thus he asked himself: "From where shall I throw the Chalice, for each place on earth to have equal chance to receive it? The mountains in between the two seas are high, but they provide not enough vision nor throwing distance." He called his councilors into the Great Audition Hall.
"Give me advice", he ordered, "where can I find that point, from which I can oversee the earth, and from which the arrows from my bow can reach the farthest corners?"
The councilors and the masters of ceremonies didn't have an answer. Thus Goedân dismissed them. He withdrew into his quarters to reflect the matter. The empress approached him, bowed and offered him fragrant wine in a golden chalice.
"What is on your mind?", she asked, while her fingertips touched his sleeve. Goedân smiled.
"Most Beautiful Woman, these are difficult matters, of which not even my councilors know the answer."
Agya, the Beautiful, said:" Thus my Lord has made the Chalice, which has received the luster and salvation of the Three Fathers, from the Birdheaded One, from the Sun Emperor, and from Noer, father of Your Majesty. Would my Lord, who has made the Chalice from lifeless loam, have knowledge of what flows forth from the building of the world?"
"You are questioning me deep, O Empress", the White Emperor answered, "infinitely deep. How do you view the world's building?"
" The world, o highly Goedân, has been built as a house", the Empress said, "and every house has a roof, this one too. If you want to look beyond the house and throw far, than you must go on the roof. Thus, you my Lord, will go on the roof of the house, the Roof the World. There you must go, and from there you will throw the Chalice in the direction of cosmic destiny."
The emperor understood that she was right. he stayed with her that night, but he had decided to act without delay the next morning.
The next morning the Gong of Arya, held up with logs, sounded through the city of Rayipoer. This meant Great Council. Immediately, couriers jumped onto the saddle to speed to the sovereigns of distant and conquered areas. They had to send their councilors to the Court to advise the Arya. It took the length of a moon until all of them arrived at the Great Audience Hall to answer the Lord's question of how he should travel to reach the Roof of the World.
Many councilors dissuaded the emperor of the long and fatiguing journey it would be. After all, none of them could answer his question. Then the word was given to the councilors of unfamiliar rulers who were also invited into the Hall. One of them, Maguhari, ambassador of Soedar, the king of Munsdar said: "As the Lord of Righteous has decided to travel to the Roof of the World, may he know that from Munsdar some of our priests have undertaken journeys to the Roof of the World, and that this destination is reachable from my country. When Your Majesty travels to the lands north of Munsdar, he will approach the Roof of the World."
Tayin, ambassador of the lord of Gelen, the land of silk, whose name was Oeiti, bowed and said: "Thus the ambassador of the mighty Oeiti knows: from his land a caravan trail leads to the lower part of the mountains south of the Roof of the World. If Arya follows this road to the areas described by Maguhari, the ambassador of the king of Munsdar, soon the road will be open into the mountains and leading to the Roof of the World."
"Your council is good, and one is similar to the other. How do I move into the mountains, and even more: how do I get through them?", the emperor asked.
Nobody knew the answer to this, not even Maguhari, the ambassador of Soedar, or Tayin, ambassador of Oeiti.
The Reshid spoke, leader of the Hamâni, a tribe of traveling animal breeders, east of Körsim, the Eastern Sea. He was at the court as representative of the leaders of herds people in that area.
"Lord", Reshid said, "the mountains are dangerous and inhospitable. Traversing them is completely needless and superfluous ordeal for your company. Follow me: sail over the Eastern Sea, land on the shore, and ride through beautiful virgin lands until the land rises and lead you to the Roof of the World."
"The road through the Lands of the North is as dangerous as the one through the High Mountains.", Tayin said.
"Yes," Reshid answered, "from your country! Because you must first travel through the dessert of the Dry Sea. But before we arrive at the coast thereof, we change direction to the south."
"The cold will be harmful for the well-being of His Majesty." Mughari said.
"The cold in the High Mountains is stronger and the journey through the mountains takes longer."
" The horses will not survive this journey to the Roof of the World and back," Beloen said, the Supreme Guardian of the Solar Seal.
"Before the Roof of the World will be visible, we will change to ride on mountain animals. They will bring Arya and everyone else safely to the Roof of the World and back. When we come back, we will change again to horses."
Goedân stood up and said:" Thus Arya speaks: Reshid, leader of the Hamâni, ambassador of the people of the steppe, accept Our trust and take charge of the preparation of the imperial caravan, because We will leave for the Roof of the World without delay."
Reshid bowed and said that he would need six times six days before the caravan of the White Emperor would be able to leave.
Goedân gave him his blessings and dismissed all present.
Reshid send messengers to the other leaders of the steppe people in order for them to organize a great caravan of camels, dromedaries, horses, donkeys and other animals, with tents, food, wine and everything that was necessary to undertake a journey to the Roof of the World, and in order for it all to be ready at the other side of the Eastern Sea when Arya and his company would land. The leaders brought together sixty camels and dromedaries, six times sixty horses and as much donkeys and other animals. They took care of other needs, both for Arya and his company, because they themselves came with six times hundred people to accompany the Supreme Lord.
Reshid send other messengers to the lords who ruled in the areas between the eastern steppes and the Roof of the World to announce the arrival of Goedân in order for them to receive the emperor and his company in a hospitable way and to feed the animal riders.
The White Emperor gathered his Small Council and gave orders about how to rule the Empire during his absence. He summoned Tura and Dünar, his sons, made them kneel before him and said: "Rule the Empire in my place, you princes, and think about who you are. Let yourself be advised by the empress, your mother when compassion applies, and by Beloen, the Supreme Protector of the Solar Seal when severity applies. Send me messengers weekly to inform me accurately about your ruling. Use the Eastern Hall of Audition and not the Great Hall of Audition. Be seated on the marble seats of princes and not on the Imperial Throne. Use the princely insignia and not the imperial one. You, Tura, my oldest son, will wave the golden whip of justice, and you, Dünar, my youngest son, will use the gold basin of alms."
Goedân gave his sons his blessing and send them away. He went to the empress' quarters to great her before beginning his long journey. When her spouse was announced, Agaya the Beautiful was spinning golden flax and she radiated brilliance. She stood up and said: "That the Gods may lead my Lord, but also me and our sons who will rule the empire in his absence."
"They will be guided by you, beautiful Agaya. In you I put my peace and trust. Let the musicians and dancers come, let food and drink be served and let us enjoy ourselves, because it will long before we will be reunited."
The empress gave her orders and they spent the evening together in her quarters.
In the early morning, the bronze gates in the outer walls of the imperial palaces opened. Goedân was carried in his palanquin and blessed the ecstatic kneeling people, being high above his surrounding company, slow but driven to the small port where his ship was ready, staffed with well fed row slaves, the skipper and his man looking stern for the slaves and humble for their supreme lord, who soon set foot upon the ship and who blessed once more his capital city. The ship left and the oars moved in unison through the water, through the river followed by escort ships. For a while the emperor watched the harbor disappear, then he turned and went to the bow to burn incense for the River God, after which he conversed with the skipper.
Around midday the small fleet arrived at the Eastern Sea. As soon as the ships entered open water the skipper had the sails hoisted and had the oars retracted. The salves were now able to move freely within the allotted space. Now the deck sailors had their work with sail and rope. A favorable wind blew the ships east. The White Emperor enjoyed the beautiful weather. The skipper, who had not been comfortable in relation to the well-being of his supreme lord and passenger, now relaxed, as the River God had made them arrive into the open sea and as he saw that Goedân was joyously making offerings to the Spirits of the Sea.
The fleet steered course to Yoerti and entered the harbor without difficulty, after which the disembarkation started. The city council had appeared at the port to pay respect to Arya, and the people were already lying down on the earth when the White Emperor came by in his palanquin. Goedân gave thanks to the Gods, the Spirits of the Sea and the western wind in the temple of the harbor, and he gave alms to the needy. He accepted the gifts of the city council and the priesthood, and he had the gifts sent to Raipoer, his capital city. However, the edible items, like dates, olives, pastries and wine, were added to the caravan. Goedân spent the night in the palace of the city curator. He refused the recommended festivities, and ordered the hour of awakening at one hour before sunrise. At sunrise the imperial company would be leaving to Kirwanapoera, the encampment from where the caravan would undertake the journey to the Roof of the World.
Having arrived at the encampment, the emperor summoned Reshid, the leader of the Hâmani, ambassador of the leaders of the herds people eastern of Körsim, and said: "Your knowledge of this area is greater than mine. Tell me what is the best we can do!"
Reshid kneeled and answered: "The first areas of land are still your Majesty's, After that there are the steppes of the Hâmani and of six other tribes. Reshid was born over there, as son of Hatik, the eldest son of Reshid the Elder. He grew up there, until Hatik sent him to the Court of Arya. When Hatik died, the tribal elders choose me as leader, and I became ambassador for the seven tribes at the court of Arya. I do know the open steppes and its tribes. The Spirits of that place are favorable to me, because in their eyes I am a conscious and devout man, and I know the needs of my tribes. I am not worthy to lead the caravan of Arya, to order where Your Majesty orders. But if you, O Emperor, require my guiding services, I will obey."
The Emperor was pleased with the Reshid's words, and he trusted the caravan to the hands, eyes and nose of Reshid. Reshid immediately organized the caravan with great agility, dismantled the encampment of Kirwanapoera, divided the weight, built up the escorts and divisions, and sent scouts ahead in order to be able to estimate and guarantee the safety of the caravan.
Everybody mounted their riding animals. The White Emperor was riding a beautiful chestnut colored horse with gilded leather harness. At his side was Reshid, who rode a beautiful red brown horse, and at he other side was Goedân's personal servant Ram, son of Lelly and Maliken, on a black and white horse. The sun shone down on the caravan. The caravan was shining in many colors and metal, a large army, which did not come to sow destruction. Ram offered his lord a golden chalice: how this faded in comparison with the Chalice Goedân had in his saddle bag! The emperor drank the wine and offered the remains to the earth and gave the order to the caravan to leave. The caravan slowly moved.
The journey through the eastern areas had the blessing of heaven. The rain was such that the ground was green without being boggy; the dust remained on the roads without turning to mud. The sun was guiding the White Emperor on his journey to the Roof of the World. The caravan passed through the areas of Seven Tribes. One of their leaders, Reshid, leader of the Hamâni accompanied the emperor also being the guide of the caravan. The other leaders joined Arya and brought him honor tributes. They invited him into their royal tents, offered him food and drink, and he gave them his blessings.
Subsequently the caravan arrived at Noega, whose tributary king payed honor to Arya. The king of Soejoe did likewise. Then they arrived in the areas of the non-tributary kings. First the king of Kolcha, than the one of Goecha, then the king of Chima. Finally they arrived at the lake Achumba. The king of the land around it was called Sarchin. He was the last king before the Roof of the World. He also paid honor to the White Emperor; likewise did Panyin, the special ambassador of Oeiti, the supreme lord of Gelen, who had traveled to Sarchin's court to pay honor to Arya. He said: "Let me accompany Arya to the Roof of the World, where I have been before on the order of Oeiti."
Reshid said: "O Emperor, allow him, because he would be a better guide than Reshid."
The emperor gave the authority to Panyin, Oeiti's embassador, who organized the change to mountain animals and the preparation for the journey ahead. Now Rashid rode behind the emperor and Panyin at his side. The caravan moved slowly, but the hoofs of the animals were finding their way with certainty. The mountains winds calmed down and the Spirits of the Earth enjoyed the company of Goedân.
The Emperor studied the messages his sons Tura and Dünar had sent with couriers. The messengers told of the most important events in the capital city. The emperor was satisfied with the princes and the affairs in the city Rayipoer and the Empire. He read the epigramical letters of Agaya his spouse, and happiness engulfed him.
The air got thinner and colder, but Goedân created spiritual-bodily warmth in himself. He sat umoved on his riding animal. the Spirits of Snow were astonished and said: "Great is Goedân, that we cannot affect him. Let us go before the wrath of the Gods inflames!" They disappeared, and it became lighter and warmer around the caravan, the roads before smaller, and soon they had to ride in a single line until they arrived at the shoulder of the mountain. Panyin got down from his riding animal and made a wide moving gesture towards the mountain plain. Silvery mist moved over the plain. The Roof the World had been reached.
(note of Jan-Anton van Hoek: I did not get any specific impression about the features of the Roof of the World, not even enough for a reconstruction. It is definitely a plateau at great height. Except for what is implicit, I cannot give any further information. The essence of the Grail story is not lessened by this.)
The White Emperor went to the rock in the middle of the Roof of the World and mounted it. In his hands he held the hemp bag, closed with tar, in which once had been the loam, but now it contained the holy Chalice. Everybody held their breath. During the long journey they had become familiar with the presence of the emperor, but they became full of respect when he slowly removed the cover from the Chalice. A brilliance radiated over the Roof of the World. Spirits rushed forward from earth and universe.
The White Emperor said: "It has been said that the holy Chalice would be thrown over the earth and that it is destined where it will rest, and that this will happen from the Roof of the World, in order for the King of the World to find it, the fifth Immortal One! Thus it will now happen."
Having said this, he bowed far backwards, the Chalice in his right hand. He raised up and threw it in a round movement into the ether.. But the Chalice returned, and it floated around the Roof the World. Everybody was astonished. After having done this for five times it suddenly disappeared and the brilliance over the Roof of the World stopped.
Goedân and his company made offerings to Heaven and Earth, and returned to the court of Sarchin, king of the lands around the lake Achumba, where they said farewell to Panyin who left for Oeiti, his lord.
The imperial caravan, after having changed animals, returned to the Empire Between the Seas, blessed by Spirits and elements, blessed also by the lords and leaders on their journey, and by the Spirits of the Sea and the God of the River.
(note of Jan-Anton van Hoek: Here this report ends, but we can complement it by the Account of the Grail, from Emperor Sindra, the seventeenth ruler of the Empire Between the Seas. He ruled six hundred years after the White Emperor. In his fortieth year of rule Sindra sent a letter to his grandson and successor Valer-Hoter, who lived in the northern steppe, on his journey from a chastening applied by him to the rebellious leader of Kyh. The text is short and fragmented, as you will see.)

Account of the Grail
by Emperor Sindra

Sindra, the emperor, spoke to Valer-Hoter the heroic: "We received message of your victory over the rebel Sunix, lord of Kyh. You put him right, plundered him and took his possessions. You installed his cousin Garba as Our tributary vassal. You have done what is right in Our eyes. You sent Us wooden boxes with amazing things and strange treasures. Among this was a lead shrine of heavy weight that could not be opened, because it did not have a door or drawer. Therefore spare the life of the jewelers of Kyh and bring them with you to Our Court, to discover the secret."
Thus it happened, but the jewelers did not know anything about the lead shrine. Only a magician, who also had been captured, advised Arya to melt the lead in order to open the shrine. This they did, and the Emperor said: " This is the Grail, which once was made by my tribal father Goedân, the holy White Emperor, who threw the Grail at The Roof of the World. The King of the World would find the Grail and lead mankind in light out of the world which he would destroy. Does this terrible burden rest on my shoulders?"
But everyone knew that Sindra could not be the King of the Earth. To him Darud, the High Priest, spoke: "It is sure that once the King of the Earth will find the Grail, even if Arya found it earlier, and if the people of Kyh found it even earlier! Your Majesty should not be concerned about the Grail: the third finder will be the King of the earth."
Arya ordered: "Make a wide cover for the Grail and put it in a round temple on the holy mountain north of Rayipoer. Bring priests to the temple to venerate the Grail, twelve in number and who are initiated into the holy mysteries and who know the Book of Spirits and the Book of the Own Self., as the Immortals have written it during and after their presence on earth."
Thus it happened on the order of Sindra.
After Sindra many lords ruled over the Empire that finally fell apart during the reign of the thirty-second one, Hoetan. A large part of the Arian people moved northwest. The emperor took the Grail under his personal guard. When he had conquered new territories, he inscribed the Chalice with holy runes, expressing the key to the universe. He placed the cover made by Sindra, in the middle of his round shield, making it the symbol of rulership. He covered the Grail itself, with the runes Ansoez, Poerisaz, Teiwaz, Sowoele, Dagaz and Ing, with holy loam, gave it wings and threw it away as a bird in order for the Grail to bury itself in the subterranean Grail Castle. There it awaits the arrival of the King of the Earth.

The Thirteenth Priest

(note from Jan-Anton van Hoek: from what follows we will see that the Grail, inscribed with runes by Hoetan, and thrown as a bird, into the subterranean realm is guarded by twelve wise Spirits of the earth who pay honor and take care of this Symbol of the Sun until at last the King of the Earth will appear.)
Ansoez the Divinity, Poerisaz the Great Spirit, Taiwaz the Executer of Justice, Sowoelo the Sun, Dagaz the Light and Prosperity, and Ing the Fertility - their runes were inscribed onto the Grail before he enveloped it with holy loam and threw it away, into the Universe, like a bird. The holy Chalice of Per sank into the middle of the earth crust and underneath it, and was received by the twelve inhabitants in the Middle Cave. They are Spirits of the Earth and they received the Grail with joy and spoke: "Let us take care of of this small item and pay it honor, because it is certain that the Spirit of Per is in this Chalice. Let us make a castle which is a temple, and let us be the knights and priests of the Chalice."
Thus they did. They removed the loam from the Chalice and they guarded it and honored it in its castle which they built in the Middle Cave. When they had fulfilled all this, they wondered and said: "Will the Chalice always be with us. Will the Chalice which harbors the Spirit of Per and which will certainly belong to a Great Spirit will be claimed by him? Then what will happen to us?"
One of them spoke up and said: "Let us ask this with the runes. Let us cast the runes and read what will be the destiny of the Chalice, and of us who guard it."
The others agreed. The one who had spoken took the rune inscribed wooden splinters, spread them on the Cloth of Prediction and cast the pieces of wood as Hoetan had instructed to all who wanted to hear. The splinters fell and were arranged in the right way, and being turned over. The runes became visible and their interpretation developed.
"The runes have spoken, having cast as Hoetan taught: twelve are you, Wise Ones from under the earth, Spirits of the earth, knights and priests of the holy Chalice. Each one of you has wisdom in his area. together you are in charge of all wisdom on earth. Therefore: when Hoatan, the emperor of the runes, threw the Chalice, it looked for its dwelling here. You welcomed it, took care of it in the castle and temple you built for it. Thus it will be a long time. At the end of the present World Month (note: read Reflections on the old and new World Year) he will come who has the right on the Chalice. he, the Thirteenth Wise One, the Thirteenth Priest and Thirteenth Knight will be king of you all. You will serve him and be knight in everything because he is the King of the Earth. In him all your knowledge is united. He will be among you and among the people. His spirit will penetrate the world."
The twelve priests were astonished and glad about the revelation of the runes. Some of them wanted more information because they desired to know how long they would have to wait for the King of the Earth. But he who had performed the ceremony refused because what the runes do not reveal is knowledge too early to gain.
When the time had come, the Twelve were seated together in a circle around the boulder which had been polished as a mirror on its top. It was situated at the bottom of a thirteen foot high pedestal on which the Grail rest, lighting and almost overflowing of the holy liquid it contained. Twelve stone stools stood around the round table like hollowed out dolmens, of which the seats were covered with braided fragrant grasses; one each for every priest. Between the first and the twelfth one there was one space unoccupied. This was a bluestone and porphyry throne with a seat of artistically woven grasses. This throne remained empty, waiting for the one who would take seat rightfully, the King of the Earth, the King of the Grail, The Lord of the Castle, the last one of the Five Immortals. He was waited for by the Grail, by the twelve, and since long by mankind, the world. More than six thousands years ago the Grail had been created. Almost six thousand years had passed since Hoetan, the Lord of Runes had thrown it and the Grail Castle had been formed in the Middle Cave, situated under the middle of the earth crust. Thus that long the twelve Wise Ones were waiting - knights and priests of the Grail - for the arrival of their master, the Thirteenth Wise One: The king of the earth.
In the Hall of the Table, where they had taken seat, no other light shone than that from thirteen candles, and high up the holy and benevolent brilliance of the Grail.
it was then, that in front of the respectful and astonishing eyes of the twelve, that the atmosphere in the throne began to compact. First there was only a pale green color, than a haze that became less amorphous and started to take a clear shape. What appeared was the characteristics of a serious, majestic being, looking over far distances, staring through the spheres, through all of them who were around him. Then the Grail raised itself from its pedestal and landed in the open hands of the unknown being. The Grail trusted itself with complete surrender to its hands and embraced him with all its light. The Thirteenth One spoke: "You I have looked for, you are my chalice and you will quench me, for as long as my presence on earth lasts. You will be my symbol of the Empire of the Earth!"
Having said this, he would have brought the holy Chalice to his lips if the Grail didn't raise his hands to his thirsty mouth. The Thirteenth One drank from the life giving fluid, the sap of the sun, and his arteries swelled with power and glow of rulership.
The twelve stood up from their chairs, very moved and fulfilled with joy. They went to the throne and bowed one by one with the knightly knee before the one they recognized as their expected king. He provided them all with the fluid of the Chalice, after which, with a gentle hand gesture of the king, it floated up to its thirteen foot high pedestal.


The Arian lords from Sindra up to and with Hoetan were all Grail Kings, because the precious object was under their care in a special temple. They were sixteen in number, after Goedân, who as creator of the Grail was the first one in the lineage. After Goedân the North Arian Empire was ruled by eight more emperors. It fell apart three centuries after its creation into small rulerships. These eight lords were not Grail Kings, because the Grail had gone into the subterranean castle, and was waiting for the arrival of Xhamantagh, the Thirteenth Wise One, The King of the Earth.
Knowing that the presence of the Grail should also be perceptible above the earth in order to keep mankind seeking and finding a part of it, The King of the Earth blessed a man Hertyr, named the Bear, who was a fighter and loyal to the Gods. The King of the Earth made him serve justice on earth with twelve knights on horses, and made them live in servitude. He created a worldly mirror image of the holy Grail from the Middle Cave, and gave Hertyr a seat in a castle, showing him every year the life giving Grail. After Hertyr a series of supernatural Grail Kings ruled, all named Hertyr, accompanied by priest-knights, who got their knowledge from the wisdom of the Thirteenth. They were druids by the people. The Hertyr, Tyr's heir, ruled over an empire, although small but very much respected. The druids kept much of their knowledge secret. Much of it was never recorded.The power of the I, the Self was known to them, and they were completely familiar to the World of Spirits.
The appearance of the Grail cured the ill, and the Hertyr could read in the Chalice the future, when it appeared once a year in the castle; they also could converse with the earlier Grail Kings. Almost seven hundred years after the arrival of Xamantagh a voice spoke to the Hertyr with the apparition of the Grail: "The time of untrue prophet has come. His followers will steal everything and bring mankind into ignorance. They will create themselves a god who will call himself the only one. They will try to destroy the ones who are faithful to the Gods. They will bring misery over mankind and the Light will dim. They will undermine empires which will collapse. Wailing will resound in the Nearby Cosmos. They will claim to bring light, but only darkness will be their message. They will say they will give love, but they will show nothing else but jealousy. They will preach charitability but in their teaching will be hidden the scorpion of cruelty. Cleverness will make their system believable. Sensing the approaching truth, they will paint it as a lie. They will rule mankind with force and deception almost till the end of the World Year. They will try to put their hand on almost everything, and their aggression will have no boundaries and and try to engulf the whole earth. They will try to claim everything. The goodness they cannot show they will claim to have it nonetheless. The Grail too they will claim, saying that it comes from the untrue prophet.
After him other untrue prophets will rise and gain in followers. They will create many other false gods. In many parts of the inhabited earth, the ones true to the Gods will be exterminated like animals. But the Gods will not bulge, and the human spirit under their care can only sleep, it will not die. It will wake up again at the end of this World Year. Then it will be time for the new Grail Kings, new of nature too, because the Grail will be in the small temple of everybody's I. Anybody who will recognize the Grail in oneself will be a Grail King, with the twelve knights of his senses. he will keep the temple clean, with open doors, visible, but not accessible.
The Thirteenth Wise One, the King of the earth, will manifest himself to whoever's I has eyes."
Thus the voice from the Grail spoke to the Hertyr and druids of the supernatural Precious Thing, which presently is being sought by so many. They only have to clean the temple of their heart to discover it and to bath in its light. The time has come for this with the new, Wakening or Primal Self World Year which is beginning, and in which man has no longer a need for masters or saviors, because he himself now has these qualities.
The earlier ancient Grail stories are only an introduction for all this.
May the Light shine on you.
Finished Februari 8, 1983.
Jan-Anton van Hoek